How do you stay energized after eating a large meal?


Registered Member
May 25, 2023
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G's, how do you stay energized after a large meal?

Are there any tips and tricks or anything of the such?

Can't afford to feel tired and lethargic for an hour after eating
Simple. Don't eat a large meal during your work shift. Instead, skip breakfast, eat light for lunch (say under 600 calories) and a big super during the evening (after work)....
But isn't that one of the biggest joys of life? Napping after eating well.

But seriously,
eat healthier food at smaller quantities and you're golden.
Time when you eat… if your doing it right after a work out where your loading….. the. You need the rest anyways….

But caffeine pills. They sell them on Amazon. Buying other stims online Ala DBG

Spreading out the meals to 6x small ones with 2x snacks

Seeing someone if your eating for depression or anxiety. Or if it’s medical and your just burning calories fast.
I just fast until I've done working then I'll have a massive meal.

I feel best working when fasting.

Same with working out.

I'll have Steak with eggs usually with an energy drink.

I'm full of energy because I ain't wasting time resting n digesting during work.