LOL. There is no 1 click spin that can do every single word, unless you manually program your thesaurus for every word in the english language, and even then, when you manually program the thesaurus, you need to consider EVERY context that the word or phrase can possibly come in. Some words/phrases therefore will be impossible to replace, particularly some common words - pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions.
Currently, 1 word in 5 is nowhere near enough. You may as well not have a spinner if you do that. TBS is a waste of money, if you want to program your thesaurus at a reasonable speed you should get Spinchimp, it has all of the features of TBS and more, it spins unlimited length seed articles and the interface is a lot like microsoft word, which means it's very quick compared to TBS to do anything, thesaurus programming included. With Spinchimp the 1 in 5 word thing is the same at the default configuration of "Best" quality spin, that means in order to have the best quality 1 click spins, with whatever software you use, it will involve HARD WORK on your part.
Spinning is indeed a big part of auto content generation, and it takes some heavy balls, some gruelling work, something which TBS sales page would never tell you, in order to actually make a 1 click auto spin work and stand a chance of being considered reasonably unique by SE's.