How do you guys keep track of all your passwords for each email/social networking site?

Succeed Greatly

Registered Member
Jul 28, 2014
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Same password for each or document or what? I have been documenting mine, but unsure if there is a better method to do so.
I keep them in a password protected excel file named birthdays.txt. Whenever I need a password, I rename birthdays.txt in passwords.xlsx, then when finished rename it back into birthdays.txt.
For my different hosts/services I use LastPass...

For social accounts, I keep a spreadsheet going in Google Drive w/ the proxy I've been using it on. It's easy enough to access from any RDP and it also makes it easy to export .csv files for the various bots that use 'em.
I store them in a spreadsheet (Excel). I also store birthday of the persona, city and proxy location, and phone number if applicable, in case I get locked out and have to verify crap such as "Where do you usually log in from?".

These are actual accounts for 2.0s ... Not the junk mails I run through GSA etc, those I'll just keep in GSA's semicolon (I believe) separated format ...
I use lastpass. Important passwords i.e main email and socials, I keep them in my head.
Using LastPass for every website. But not sure about how secure it is. For my main sites and sites I have written down every password and username on a little note on my desk.
I use a password protected Excel, backed up in my onedrive. There I keep track of expenses too...
Use roboform. You can use it for two purposes - saving passwords of all your accounts as well as for online form filling activities like social bookmarking.
I keep them in a password protected excel file named birthdays.txt. Whenever I need a password, I rename birthdays.txt in passwords.xlsx, then when finished rename it back into birthdays.txt.

Now whenever i find birthdays .txt i will rename it and try to open.

Anyways i track mine on google spreadsheet and keep them online. They are sure with google
I been using LastPass for the last 2 years and it rocks! That way I can organize all my passwords and keep them secured.
I have an exel document, however I never write my passwords there. Only hints, so, even if someone else sees the document he will never know the password.