How do you guys keep the weight off? Do you go to the gym?


Elite Member
Mar 15, 2017
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I've always struggled with my weight, it's at a point now where according to the BMI scale, I'm obese.

I'm thinking about joining a gym, but I'm afraid people will make fun of me.

Do you guys have any tips or tricks for managing weight? How do I get over the fear of joining the gym?

I tried Keto, OMAD, the Snake Diet, the Lion Diet, intermittent fasting... Everything under the sun, but with little success.

What worked for you?
IMO, To manage your weight, consider joining a gym, starting with small exercises, talking to a personal trainer, focusing on nutrition, and staying positive. Remember that everyone at the gym is there to improve their health, and it's important to find what works best for you and make sustainable changes.
Noone care about fat and tiny people in gym if you have any muscle we care and take a look that tbh..
I've always struggled with my weight, it's at a point now where according to the BMI scale, I'm obese.

I'm thinking about joining a gym, but I'm afraid people will make fun of me.

Do you guys have any tips or tricks for managing weight? How do I get over the fear of joining the gym?

I tried Keto, OMAD, the Snake Diet, the Lion Diet, intermittent fasting... Everything under the sun, but with little success.

What worked for you?
Hi bro! I went through the same thing as you kinda! I was quite obese and working on the pc a lot so was not moving and would just gain weight. Ill tell you what I did. I started off by working out at home and using youtube videos to learn workouts, I was also doing intimittent fasting. I lost a lot of weight over the course of 3 months and gained the confidence to go to the gym... It has been 2 years now and I am at a really good place with my body and has really helped with confidence. So my opinion is start off alone so until you get comfortable enough to go to a gym and stick to your diet! diet is the key to weight loss. In reality it is quite simple and you dont have to make it complex because you will give up. Just eat less calories and try keep them clean, and move more! my 2 cents :D
Weight maintenance is not hard. It's all about calorific deficit. As long as you burn off more calories than you consume you will lose weight. What you do need to consider is body composition , for example Muscle weighs more than fat, so if your hitting the gym and gaining muscle , you will actually gain weight, however you should notice body changes clothes fitting better etc. Jump onto Chat GPT ask for a meal plan which includes your go to foods , make sure it contains a maximum of 2000 calories per day and stick to it. Also make sure you are well hydrated and get some exercise everyday. If you don't want to go to a Gym at the beginning , go for a two mile walk , put your headphones in and listen to some inspiring podcasts , learning whilst loosing . Good luck with your journey
I've always stuggled with my weight, even when I worked a manuel job.

I tried quite a few different diets - Atkins, low carb etc.

Although these diets can shed weight, their hard to stick to.

Now I follow an excercise program in the gym (but i started it at home) and I follow the eating plan and I feel great.

Sitting at a computer all day made me feel like crap.

The program I follow is called the fit father project.

(not an affiliate)

I feel great

p.s I'm 44 so that might feel old to some of you :)
Going to the gym is a must :) Also, sports are not the solution, you should not overeat while eating.
Remove sweets from your diet (any kind, even 'healthy', get rid of honey and dates as well). If you're eating very clean and not cheating, working out and still no progress then I'd check out if there's an underlining health issue that's causing you to gain weight (but make sure first that you aren't cheating lol).

You can exercise with youtube videos if you feel scared to go to the gym (it can feel intimidating for sure).

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Hi bro! I went through the same thing as you kinda! I was quite obese and working on the pc a lot so was not moving and would just gain weight. Ill tell you what I did. I started off by working out at home and using youtube videos to learn workouts, I was also doing intimittent fasting. I lost a lot of weight over the course of 3 months and gained the confidence to go to the gym... It has been 2 years now and I am at a really good place with my body and has really helped with confidence. So my opinion is start off alone so until you get comfortable enough to go to a gym and stick to your diet! diet is the key to weight loss. In reality it is quite simple and you dont have to make it complex because you will give up. Just eat less calories and try keep them clean, and move more! my 2 cents :D
Thanks for sharing bro, I hope to be where you're at one day.
How long did you stick to a single diet to see results ?
Not very long, I'm very impatient, I think that's what's hindering my progress.
Weight maintenance is not hard. It's all about calorific deficit. As long as you burn off more calories than you consume you will lose weight. What you do need to consider is body composition , for example Muscle weighs more than fat, so if your hitting the gym and gaining muscle , you will actually gain weight, however you should notice body changes clothes fitting better etc. Jump onto Chat GPT ask for a meal plan which includes your go to foods , make sure it contains a maximum of 2000 calories per day and stick to it. Also make sure you are well hydrated and get some exercise everyday. If you don't want to go to a Gym at the beginning , go for a two mile walk , put your headphones in and listen to some inspiring podcasts , learning whilst loosing . Good luck with your journey
Thanks man, appreciate it. I'll try some walking first before moving on to the gym.
I've always stuggled with my weight, even when I worked a manuel job.

I tried quite a few different diets - Atkins, low carb etc.

Although these diets can shed weight, their hard to stick to.

Now I follow an excercise program in the gym (but i started it at home) and I follow the eating plan and I feel great.

Sitting at a computer all day made me feel like crap.

The program I follow is called the fit father project.

(not an affiliate)

I feel great

p.s I'm 44 so that might feel old to some of you :)
Yeah, I sit at the computer all day and that's surely contributing to the problem. I think I need to touch some grass.
I'll try a 5x5 program when I join the gym, that's what my friend recommended, but thanks anyways.
Remove sweets from your diet (any kind, even 'healthy', get rid of honey and dates as well). If you're eating very clean and not cheating, working out and still no progress then I'd check out if there's an underlining health issue that's causing you to gain weight (but make sure first that you aren't cheating lol).

You can exercise with youtube videos if you feel scared to go to the gym (it can feel intimidating for sure).

My problem is that I have a very sweet tooth. I can't go without sweets or I feel like crap. How can I get over this?
Just get a yoga mat for your home and do a set of simple exercises on that to help get your motivated, and keep you going with the exercise habit, then if you feel like you need more than 100 pushups and crunchies per day, you can join a gym, knowing what you can focus on now. To get a 6 pack, you have to do 1000 situps per day, once you've lost the weight. lol so use that as motivation. :)

I don't like the gym, I find it a bit boring, I prefer to do 3 sets of core exercises on my yoga mat, and 3 varieties of push ups. I have to build up to doing a few times a day, as its not even close to 30 minutes per day, which I think is recommended, but I'll build up and get there eventually.

Good luck, hope you can make it too!
Thanks for sharing bro, I hope to be where you're at one day.

Not very long, I'm very impatient, I think that's what's hindering my progress.

Thanks man, appreciate it. I'll try some walking first before moving on to the gym.

Yeah, I sit at the computer all day and that's surely contributing to the problem. I think I need to touch some grass.
I'll try a 5x5 program when I join the gym, that's what my friend recommended, but thanks anyways.

My problem is that I have a very sweet tooth. I can't go without sweets or I feel like crap. How can I get over this?
Pick your favourite sweets only (get rid of everything that's 'just ok') and commit to have a planned cheat day once a week when you can have all your faves. This way you can still have them, just less often, it helps a lot. Eat clean the rest of the week (no honey, stevia, dates either). If you don't have enough discipline to do that it might be hard to loose weight. Good luck.
IMHO you just have to find some kind of sport (it might be jogging, football, ping-pong etc) which will be exciting for you and be stick to it.
I'm trying to reduce my sugar intake. However, the most effective thing for me has been to stop having breakfast. When I eat only two meals a day, even if I eat a lot, I don't completely lose control of my weight. As Turks, we set a very rich table for breakfast, which is enjoyable but unfortunately a harmful habit.
I'm thinking about joining a gym, but I'm afraid people will make fun of me.
Nobody is going to make fun of you in the gym, ever!

Losing weight is possible but not easy. To succeed you need to do it the right way.

All diets that limit you will fail soon or later.

You need to change your lifestyle and easting habits but slowly, bit by bit.

There is a simple formula - if you do something for 21 days it becomes your habit and it is easy to continue doing it.

So make a small change every three weeks.

1. Start moving more and eating less sugar, bread and no snacks for 21 days. Drink 2l water.

2. Start exercising, slow and grow, bit by bit.

3. Go to gym and get a professional advice.

You should lose 1-3% of your weight per month.
Thanks for sharing bro, I hope to be where you're at one day.

Not very long, I'm very impatient, I think that's what's hindering my progress.

Thanks man, appreciate it. I'll try some walking first before moving on to the gym.

Yeah, I sit at the computer all day and that's surely contributing to the problem. I think I need to touch some grass.
I'll try a 5x5 program when I join the gym, that's what my friend recommended, but thanks anyways.

My problem is that I have a very sweet tooth. I can't go without sweets or I feel like crap. How can I get over this?
Ya its called addiction and everybody who is trying to get off sugars is going trough withdrawal and feeling like crap on the beginning, just like any other drugs.
I do not exersice at all but I try to not eat all the time, I just eat until I hear my stomach growling for me that is the alarm that I'm really hungry and drink a lot of water.
Since December 2022 after have some issues I was advised by my doctor to lose weight.
Lots of fat above the liver, very high SGPT, SGOT and high stiffness score fibro scan report.
No alcohol ever, just love for food of all types that tastes good and no physical activity. :p
I was 95 KG then and now I am 74 KG.

I just followed my doctors' advice for diet change and lifestyle change.
Around 1 hour of brisk walking daily twice.
I cut down all the fat and sugar food.

Breakfast any 2 fruits.
Between breakfast and lunch are some dry fruits or dates.
Lunch 2 chapati (maize+jowar+bajra) with boiled veggies.
1 cup of black coffee in evening.
Dinner same as lunch.

No rice, no sugar, no oil, no milk, no eggs, no chicken, no meat, no wheat flour, and no refined wheat flour.

The walking and 15 minutes of cardio are now part of my daily lifestyle.
The fat over liver has gone, SGPT, SGOT are now within the safe range.

Diet is back to normal now but I keep count of what I eat, how much I eat (calories).
No outside food though as I have planned to avoid junk or outside food for this whole 2023.

Feels good after all it wasn't that though to loose weight.
Be careful with what you eat and add some physical activity to your daily routine.