How do you get around the phone number requests?

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Jul 28, 2014
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Signing up for yahoo accounts, facebook, google request phone numbers. How do you get around this?
you can't really get around that, without verifying those accs with phone numbers, they have very limited usage or no usage at all

there are threads here about free ways to obtain phone numbers, most of those won't work for sure by now or not for everything, but i guess you can still find a golden nugget
other method would be if you can get a hold of sim cards in bulk for cheap

or just spare yourself the headache and do what the above poster said, purchase PVAs or the phone verify service itself, if you already have accs which need to be verified
If you want to do it the hard way, you could buy pre-paid phones. Many of them will give you free minutes you can use to test it out, you can get many of these phones for cheap too. Just another way I suppose.
Im not sure about facebook and google but yahoo usually just wants an phone number but they never call or text me after I give them the number so I'm able to just make up numbers all day long if I want to. Heres how I usually do it, lets say my number is 919-432-6687, well what I will do is take the last 4 digits and just go up higher and higher each time for example after the previous number I go with 9194326688 then 9194326689 and so forth. I've also learned that these have to be real numbers though and cant just be a number out of thin air thats why I use a number similar to my phone number because I know someone must own these numbers, none of those are my number by the way.
I provide physical or ViOP Number.
If you need feel free contact me.
skype: sain816
If these are for email accounts, sometimes you may be able to get a Google Voice or Skype number to work. Obv. you won't get a gmail account to verify with a Voice account, but you might be able to with Microsoft or Yahoo.