How do you find a niche that makes money?


Registered Member
Nov 5, 2008
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I have a blog that offers anime streaming, I would like to ask you guys if there is money in it. What i mean is if you could make money in it using adsense, affiliates, etc.

Can you please recommend a topic that would produce real money if you blog about it. Thanks for the suggestions!:p
every niche can produce real money.. and ofc anime streaming also! but if ur too lazy to think about niches, i giv u one suggestion: ;)


ok here are some more lol:

sport stars. electronics. music.
You just gotta test!
Yeah get visitors to it throw up some adsense and sell it on sitepoint . I believe the other day I saw an anime blog go for 2,500 USD but was making 500.00 in adsense .

BTW you have to promote it and age it some to make this type of dough on site point
yeah, all I can say is you must promote your site, and put adsense on a good spot, so people will click that. :)
Lots and lots of trial and error... but overall for me health & self image type topics have always worked best for me... people always seem to want to look younger, feel better etc etc :)
You'll know for sure if it works for you only after trying yourself.

However, here's a good method for anything: Go to the top, aged sites of your niche - or a more general subject, if you still don't have a niche - see who they are and what they're doing. Take a look at adwords ads, top products at Amazon, ebay; newsletters' paid ads...

Just take what's already working for those with more knowledge/experience/resources than you, tweak it a little and in my experience you'll be fine more often than not.
Throw up some sites in different niches. Try to get traffic to them. Then watch your stats. It's trial and error.
thanks for all the replies... i was thinking that i won't make any money from this since the visitors only come if to stream videos. thanks alot guys.
Your results won't show up soon, so don't give up. Keep working!
you made the CLASSIC mistake to get a site and product first, and then LOOKING for the niche ;)

What you do is usually:

You do research and look for a market, who and where is a demand..and THEN you create a product.

maybe old share thread can help you or those who need help..

Uncover Hidden Niches And Keywords, Ready To 'Explode' By Analyzing Your Pay Per Click Competition In the major search engines!

Enjoy ! :)

Trial and error is your best bet. But also make sure that your trial and error processes are not completely "willy nilly". Pay attention to hot trends. Find out what people are really into by observing top searches at the key search engines. Check out what is garnering top dollar on egay. Find out what is getting the most views at utube. Look and see what is getting the most page views at content sites. Ok, I've said enough...that should give you some ideas to get you started.
lots of good tips in this thread. thanks everyone!
to modify famous advice..

"If you want to find more niches that make money, find twice as many niches that don't"

double your failure rate!
Well, health niches for me...however seems a lot of competition...
Realy easy you take someones publisher id for adsense that brags they are making alot of money then copy there niches and do better marketing them...