IF you can help me please
How do you capture quality pictures from Youtube vids? and also rip music?
IF you can help me please
How do you capture quality pictures from Youtube vids? and also rip music?
An easy way to rip sound off a video is to use audacity.
1. Open Audacity
2. Switch input from "Microphone" to "Mono out"
3. Hit Record in Audacity
4. Click play on youtube
5. Let it record
6. Export as mp3
Using this you can rip anything coming out of your speakers on the fly
to get images, just pause the video when it is where you want. then hit print screen and paste into photoshop. select the image and copy. create a new file, transparent bg and paste. Then click image, image size, and use 640x480. I save them as png files.
to get images, just pause the video when it is where you want. then hit print screen and paste into photoshop. select the image and copy. create a new file, transparent bg and paste. Then click image, image size, and use 640x480. I save them as png files.