How do they index google docs easily?


Power Member
Jan 15, 2013
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So is there any free trick to index google doc? I often see documents indexing and ranking for some keywords easily within a week, so could someone share how they are doing it?google index.png
You can index a Google Doc the same way as any other document. Make it publicly readable and then use any indexing method (, speed-links...)

You have plenty of information on my favorite thread of choice
i have the best experience with tier 2 and mass tier 3 for fast indexing
Try indexing service or point a few quality links to it. Mostly it will get indexed naturally.
tier 2 links, social media share, submit to indexer like elitelinkindexer
It's an art to an index that kind of link. There are success stories, but very rare and random..I could try to index your links for free as a challenge. Just give me a shout.
It's an art to an index that kind of link. There are success stories, but very rare and random..I could try to index your links for free as a challenge. Just give me a shout.

I have found these specific links hard to index as well, despite t2 links and paid indexers.
How they even get indexed , however, they have x-robots header is set to noindex
You need a YouTube redirect to your google documents page.