How do I put on some more weight?


Banned - Multiple Rules Violations
Jul 29, 2009
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lol way off topic, but it's something I am really pulling my hairs out over.
How do I increase my weight? any ideas? I am on the skinny side and really want to become more "healthy" but for some reason even with eating more than average and sitting on the PC all day n night ( which should have gained me weight ) I still stay that way.
Any tips on what to eat or what to do?
It's driving me crazy

Edit: if you are wondering what i weigh, I am around 116 lbs, thats even less than most female actresses who are called skinny. I am 20 years old and 5 ' 10 so it looks odd and is a royal turn-off to girls.

thanks in advance.
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wrong forum buddy ;)

And NO I'm not Promoting it so don't make stupid remarks..
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Get some creatin the weight gain stuff you are supposed to have when doing weight training, start using this and do a bit of weight training then just stop both all together you put on loads of weight, I did this started training and drinking the creatin(I know spelt it wrong) then had to stop because of illness, ended up putting on 2-3 stone, now I am overweight, but I am starting lose it again now.

i use to take this to gain mass for rugby, cause my coach says im a twig,
do some heavyweights as well

Oh gosh godmonkee , I see again another stupid move from you!
Why did you delete the extra I added to my post?
And do you even know how large that bodybuilding forum is- do you really think it's mine ? ;) Oh I wish if it would be...

And NO DOn'T use that shit-creatine! Never ever...It only fucks with your body!

Eat a lot of protein (Tuna is cheap and contains 35grams/per can about... If you want to be 100kg then eat 100grams at least protein per day! )and do some weight lifting that will add for u weight in muscles not in fat like by eating cakes..

And make it all Natural , eggs , curd, tuna , chicken...
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Thanks guys fr all the useful input - I appreciate that. However, I am not looking to indulge in work out or body building, just looking for natural ways to gain weight and become healthier so I can look better.
Eat more of the right foods, less junk, check the labels for additives, try organic and EXECISE. Same problem but in my case had crohns disease. Also check out health issues. Execise will help build mucsle. Quit worring, quit smoking, quit drinking if any apply. Eat at regular times...sleep at same time, awake at same time which is something most IMer don't do...
Thanks guys fr all the useful input - I appreciate that. However, I am not looking to indulge in work out or body building, just looking for natural ways to gain weight and become healthier so I can look better.

Ok sure if you just want to be that fatty ( it still adds the weight) then just eat all the junk you want and don't do a shit about your body!

Don't be so lazy you can spend that extra 1hour/day doing something with your body!
Remember If you will put on more weight keeping your current lifestyle it will be ALL FAT on your body- and I don't think you will look better then!
You don't have to be professional body-builder but if you want to add more weight and don't want that it stores as fat on your body then workout is the onlyway (running, swimming,weights..whatever you want! )

Oh yeah and also if you are eating like only 3 times split it in smaller portions and do it 5-6per day and try not to eat anything after ~7-8PM
dude to become healthier you need to exercise, if not the weight you gain will all be in the wrong places,
dude to become healthier you need to exercise, if not the weight you gain will all be in the wrong places,

This, unless your REALLY skinny then it might be an idea to do some kind of resistance training. What is your bodyweight in lbs? Times this by 20 and thats the number of calories you wanna aim for daily.
I've had the same problem. I was pretty skinny and wanted to put on some more weight. I'm not really buff now but I'm okay, way better than I was. What I did was gym + food supplements (stay away from steroids and heavy supplements). Work work work, eat, sleep.
My weight is just around 116 lbs, thats even less than most female actresses who are called skinny. I am 20 years old and 5 10 so it looks odd. I look rail-thin.
My weight is just around 116 lbs, thats even less than most female actresses who are called skinny. I am 20 years old and 5 10 so it looks odd. I look rail-thin.

Damn man, thats very thin! I would probably aim between 2500 - 3000 calories a day at least if you wanna pack on some weight. And your current weight you have no worries at all about getting fat, but as the other guy said, dont just eat fat to get calories in, eat wholesome foods. Lots of wholegrain pastas/bread/rice/potatoes with some good meat and veg.
Go to your doctor and ask him to check you for an overactive Thyroid.
If your Thyroid is overactive you will be dangerously underweight and have a huge problem putting weight on. Eating lots of junk will just make you ill and unhealthy even though you wont put on weight. Get that checked out before you mess about with suplements and the like.
Can someone suggest a supplement ( with no side effects like that of steroids etc) ?? Thanks in advance.
I can give you a donation of some of my me if you are interested.