How do i beat gumtree?


Regular Member
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
I want to place ads on gumtree, post in every town and city in the uk.

Was able to get my ads to stick but now they wont even go on the site. I hear that if the see you spamming the site the will ban your ads?

What i want to do is post my ads back up on the site. how can i do this?

Also, is there a working auto poster for gumtree?
I have downloaded ezgumtree poster but i can 't get on with it and i need my ads to rotate around.
Any help there too?
Just recently started using Gumtree and all I can say is that you need to read some of the info regarding CL found on this site and apply it to gumtree. ie changing ip's, mixing up your ads, etc.
how do i change my ip?

I had a feeling that those things had to be done. just dont know how to change my ip.
Depends on your isp. Also there is a post here somewhere about using Charon and Proxy Firewall.
instead of putting a link on your post, try and get them to email you, this way you can build a list as well.
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I dont put a domain in my ads, just an email. When the email me from there email accounts (not directly from gumtree) they get an auto response with the url i want them to go to.

Do you guys post manually or have you found a poster?
does anyone use hardware that changes the ip addess every so often?
I do it manually cos flaggers will test your ad out to see if you have an autoresponder. yeah flaggers are losers.
what kind of emails do you use for replaying, free ones or paid?
How do you delay the responses. Do you have a program for that or do you send responses by hand or maybe something 3
I use googlemail accounts and set up the auto reponders that way. didnt know you can delay them?

I could use one of my domains email address and set up an auto responeder that way, but will that ban my domain after a few posts?
I dont put a domain in my ads, just an email. When the email me from there email accounts (not directly from gumtree) they get an auto response with the url i want them to go to.

Do you guys post manually or have you found a poster?

I do it manually. If you do it automatically, you will get many spam complaints.
ok, so do you also make each ad unique too.
I guess you would.

As i put email addresses in the ads would they get banned too just like a domain would.

So, for these of you how post in each town on gumtree you:
Make each ad unique
post manually
set a time delay on your auto responders

if i were to follow the above should and change my ip address manually with every post they should stick.
I use Gumtree all the time and its much easier than Craigslist but now they are starting to implement new security methods. But it is still easy - it must be your ads and methods.

EZ Gumtree Poster is very good as it is specifically made for this site. Also try Ad Master it is much more poweful and more features and works with most classified ad sites. Find it here:

Remember use fake and different email accounts, proxies each time you post. You can use the same posts but make them all unique by rewording them slighty, change the title, image name etc so they are not just duplicates.

Dont autorespond to the gumtree emails as this will get you banned/ads deleted asap. Block them out. Only reply to normal emails or reply using a AR service like Aweber or use a script if using domain email. You could even use Thunderbird on your desktop, see the thread:

Hope this helps, Happy Posting!
I'm having problems getting ads to post, anyone know if ads need to be posted from an England IP?
Yes Gumtree uses IP tracking. Sometimes it flags them, sometimes it does not. It depends if your posting in major cities or not and what categories your posting under?

You should really be using proxies and uses IP's that are relevant to that posting.
Thanks Patrat, do you by chance have a copy of admaster? I looked all through the thread you posted above but there are no good links for it.