how can i waterproof my phone?


Sep 14, 2008
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rand question, but i was thinking of taking my camera phone with me to a surf beach, what would be the best way to waterproof it?
zip lock bag ..

good way to watch porn in the shower two with an iphone
dont drop it in water...

haha sorry but had to do it. wot i would do is. wrap the fone in a plastic bag then wrap in your towel aswell. or a bag. but wrap as much as possible to protect from sand etc and of course water
i was thinking of a diy thing, cbf goin out to buy a waterproof thingy, would have to go into the city. and i dont have a credit card. I was thinking of shrink wrapping it, although the plastics prob not strong enough. thanks for your thoughts anyways
no credit card no problem ? you can put your ewhore skills in use o_O. Youll figure out something eventually
i know, i could get all the guys i get to cum on my phone, thats a good idea. Man i wish it were this easy to get this many girls lol.
I'm guessing that you want to waterproof it, but without looking dorky, and still be able to use it, right?

Short answer... Gonna be hard, especially since you wanna DIY...

Long answer, I'd try double wrapping Saranâ„¢ wrap around it, and carrying it in a plastic bag too. When you need to use it, take it out of the plastic bag, use it, return...

you could put a condom over it and tie it in a knot:)
you could put a condom over it and tie it in a knot:)

they make phone rubbers...

leave it in the car :p

or wrap it in clingfilm (cellophane to americans)
I like the "Mobile Protection"!
But, where do you get it?
It's not like you're gonna find
it at the truckstop, is it?


MobiPhylactics, LOL

yes you must have a rubber when having phone sex or you will be forced to dial std

(note std is an aussie long distance call term - not sure if thats the same for other countries)