how can i learn php?


Registered Member
Jul 2, 2008
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hi can anybody tell me how can i learn php....i have little bit knowledge of c language except that i dont have any knowlege of html, java or any other programming language....can anybody tell me some good sources? Thanx
"Ho can I learn php"

Bodeezy and Jaeden are both very reputable members on here who very recently posted they were looking for apprentices.

If not, haul a laptop to Barnes n Noble, order a venti latte, and crack open some php books.
Well there are a ton of basic and advanced tutorials online, just ask google about them.

Also there are paid courses you can take online that offer course material, and tests etc to help you learn.

Or there is always the way I learned....5 years of reading, coding almost every day, and smoking lots of herb (this helps with the frustration, and carpul tunnel)

I suppose the answer to your question is going to be something unique to your learning style. But if you are serious about learning php, I would definatly start by searching google for a basic php tutorials and trying some of the examples, once you have a basic knowledge of php you can use the documentation to guide you through almost any problem.
search the downloads area here... I thought I saw a php guide posted just the other day
If you are have some c programming experience, then php should be easy to pick up.
This should get you started writing some intense php code in a day or two.

1. Go to the IBM website, you may need to register.
2. Search for "Learning PHP" tutorial. It is a series of 3 tutorials
Learning PHP, Part 1: Register for an account, upload files for approval, and view...
Learning PHP, Part 2: Upload files and use XML to store and display file information
Learning PHP, Part 3: Authentication, objects, exceptions, and streaming

They are very short, you can do each part in about an hour, and you will have a thorough understanding. I only did the first two and created a very dynamic site from scratch.

For references as you develop, you should use these sites.

The ibm tutorials are geared to the complete beginner. So if you have ever programmed, they will be even easier. This will get you writing php code in a day.

The first tutorial says some html knowledge could be useful. You really don't need it to do all the tutorials, but it shouldn't hurt to pick up the html basics.

Do it at
Do an hour of the intro tutorial and you will have more than what is required in the IBM php tutorial

Don't look at any books before you try this method. Thank me later. 4 hours at most.
Here is a great resource I have uploaded for you - I have read that these are some of the best books for someone new to start with.

There are 2 sitepoint books here. The first one titled 'Build your own database driven website using php and mysql - 3rd edition' Should be read first to give you a good starting point.

The Second one, 'The PHP Anthology' is supposed to be a great next step after that one.

They are both included in a rar file for your convenience.
It really depends on why you want to learn PHP. Most people really just want enough proficiency to edit and/or expand existing scripts. Others, however, want to create entire Web applications from the ground up.

PHP all on its own (without HTML, and/or MySQL, and/or JavaScript for instance) is not terribly useful, so I would strongly recommend starting out by getting a handle on the basics of HTML first, and then branching out from there.

In addition to some of the excellent resources already mentioned, I would suggest getting a good IDE (integrated development environment) such as Eclipse (free) or Dreamweaver (commercial). Once you have your IDE up and running, download some of the more popular open source PHP projects out there, and take a look at the code. Sometimes the best way to learn is to look at what others are doing.
I suggest Lynda tutorials. They have video explanations. If you want to buy it, it costs more.
Buy if you want to get it free, use torrentZ.c0m, there are less seeders presently. So hurry up.
Its all depends on your logic and creativity still you can find many tutorials on net to learn php. Start using site which is very good to begin with , or go for a nice book.
I'd say, practice makes perfect when it comes to any programming language. Pick a project that will actually be of use to you (eg. a tool to automate your blackhat efforts) and work on it using PHP. It's like learning on the job.

For me, learning by examples works the best. I'd look for code samples, emulate and modify from there.
search torrent sites for CBT Nuggets

They have AWESOME training videos for php
great beginners site:
maybe you also check for beginner dvds on lynda.c0m or ebay. but videos are definitly a great start - but you'll only learn php when you practise! start with a little script and move up to more complex tools.

and in a few months: outsource your programming to a freelancer and use the saved time for relaxing or search for new niches
Great find....combing these videos with some sample codes around the internet should help.
I learned php by modifying existing php scripts to my liking. Trial and error, w3schools website when I couldn't figure it out. Dreamweaver really helps too.