You need a faster internet connection hands down, at least if you want to run it from home.
I have a 18Mbit down and 1.5Mbit up and I max it out constantly with scrapebox.
Its the fastest I can get from my current provider, so I am having a second internet connection installed for my other scrapebox pc on Monday. Its going to be 15Mbit down and 1.5up. It can be upgraded to 50Mbit down and 5Mbit up. I am just going to see how this provider is and I will likely upgrade to
1 X 50/5 connection
1 X 18/1.5 connection.
Running 2-3 scrapebox servers. Scrapebox is a beast, and you can do so much with it, you just need a fat pipe to take advantage of it.
Then you can run more instances of it at once and up the connections.