How can I go about getting a username change>


Power Member
Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hey, how can I go about getting a username change. I made this account for anonymity reasons a while back and I used an inside joke between me and my friends for my account name. But now it's becoming annoying and I don't want to start over with my posts. I'm a guy...not a girl lol. Someone help...dang
You need to make a request from a MOD or Admin. Make sure to ask politely and be patient as they are busy people so it may not happen right away.
Gonna change as itsthepollguy. lol

I don't think you can change unless you are a VIP member. Any how not sure about it.
Bcz i saw few VIP members changed it but not the others.
its impossible

cannot be done in the foreseeable future without time machine

if someone reads this - please take the hyphen out of my name
Do you think the forum costs $500? :D

Lmao no I do not.

That post makes no sense, btw am just going by the numbers of which the forum was last sold for.

Oh now you're trying to be serious now??? Yeah ok, I definitely know that it does not cost anything to get a username change thanks to the_demon. :D
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