How are you currently making use of Facebook membership questions feature?


Junior Member
Dec 6, 2017
Reaction score
Group admins, how do you currently use this feature in your marketing?
Is it possible to have a clickable link in there? Anyone doing this? Any extension that can get this done?
I haven’t had much help with that feature since users can opt whether they want to answer a particular question or not. And any information you might want to elicit from the user can be faked (eg: location, whether they went to this particular university etc.). Even if they don’t answer ANY of the questions, the requests still go through (thanks FB).

So not exactly a filter. It helps to some extent but I feel its more of a gimmick. Here’s a screenshot from one of my groups (I’m on my tab so excuse the shaky doodles) :


how to access this?
Even if they don’t answer ANY of the questions, the requests still go through (thanks FB).
I mostly just decline requests that don't answer the questions.

And any information you might want to elicit from the user can be faked (eg: location, whether they went to this particular university etc.).
With regards to location, I pretty much just look at the visible part of their bio to see if they're from my target location before approving.

Where this is not visible, like in the image you posted, I mouse-over their already joined groups. If those groups are mostly occupied by my target audience, them I approve.

From my group data, it works 95-98% of the time.