how about a "club of downloaders on sharecash"?


Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, I am trying to make some bucks with no success up to now (with a pr0n forum, some blogs and uploading stuff). Now I had this simple idea, a sort of "club of downloaders on sharecash", just because I found almost impossible to convince almost anyone to download anything from there.

With my "club" instead, every member downloads 1 file from sharecash uploaded from each other member (so in any group he should do N-1 downloads, where N is the number of group members. For example, 39 downloads in a group of 40 members) and he will get in return 1 download of his file on sharecash from each other member (always =N-1).
That means, in a group of 40, you do 39 downloads and get 39 downloads (which should amount to 10-20 bucks on sharecash).

Unsolved problems with this idea involve how to check in real time who downloaded from whom (of course files downloaded may contain some unique code, but something better is required)

What do think? Considering that everything else I tried failed this seems quite promising.
......... because I found almost impossible to convince almost anyone to download anything from there.

It will be even more difficult to convince any of us to download from sharecash for those pennies which sharecash gives us. ;)
We would rather build a whitehat site and get a couple of dollars from adsense than dealing downloading files from sharecash to make money.
What do think? Considering that everything else I tried failed this seems quite promising.
The reason things fail in IM is because you either don't
do it right or you don't give it enough time. This board is jam packed with tried and trusted methods of making money. The only reason you are failing with them is because you are not following instructions. Leave the experimenting
to the pros until you get more experience under your belt.
And your method sounds as promising as breaking open my daughters favorite
piggy bank because I cant be arsed to change a 50.
The Lets-Fill-Out-Each-Others-Offers plan never works out well. You may, if you're lucky, get $20 out of it, but that'll be about it.

...Considering that everything else I tried failed...

Try harder.
Plus you will run out of offers and then the almost all of your downloads will get shaved.
Being on 'a' forum, and 'some' blogs to promote your downloads may not be enough. Maybe you should be on dozens of forums, and a hundred blogs to see better results. Perhaps your main promotional blog should offer an incentive of $.05 or $.10 per download, without a club setup. Scale up, or man up to the proper level to make it work.
Being on 'a' forum, and 'some' blogs to promote your downloads may not be enough. Maybe you should be on dozens of forums, and a hundred blogs to see better results. Perhaps your main promotional blog should offer an incentive of $.05 or $.10 per download, without a club setup. Scale up, or man up to the proper level to make it work.
Couldn't agree more with this. Also, you should take in consideration that the owner of SC is a regular here and I'm not sure he will appreciate your antics. Nevertheless, good luck :)