Homepage ONLY PBN links, NO packages| 10 OBL max| Auction domains ONLY Avg. DR - 20, RD - 150, DA - 30|15+ niches| Transparent User-frie...

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chameleon domains

Regular Member
Dec 23, 2019
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How I screwed up with PBN and fixed it. My story.

I started doing SEO back in 2015 when I was 17. Back then, I obviously didn’t know much, but I was able to find a product I could dropship at a good margin. With a product in mind, I created a Woocommerce store and waited for clients to show up. Since I only had about a hundred bucks to invest, just enough for domain and hosting, I wrote the content myself. I was planning to give my collection of silver coins to the pawnshop to get some more cash, but it turned out that they weren't made of silver (LOL). Nevertheless, a hundred bucks were enough to attract my first clients and allow me to reinvest the profit.

I dove into SEO on-page optimization from the start. Quickly I understood that rankings aren't only about getting all "green" on Yoast. I also needed the links to rank.

Next, I tried to build profile links, forum links, web 2.0, but I needed a kick to get to the top—and as I figured out, PBN could provide this kick.

I tried several sellers across the platforms and forums, checked out their reviews, and decided on a few to try out. I understood that advertisement and reality were different, but I never expected to see the drastic difference between what I was promised and what I finally found in Google webmaster tools.

My experience with buying PBN links
  • Most of the domains were pure trash. Many of them spammed to hell to get the promised metrics, and the others had weak 20-30 RD and inflated metrics.
  • The content was either spun or written by a third-grader.
  • The designs were horrible. Yes, there were premium themes, but they weren't customized to even resemble the real website.
  • Each PBN had dozens, even hundreds, of posts, and new ones were added daily. They all looked exactly like link farms; it wouldn’t take long for Google to find them and penalize the websites that bought those links.
I had to disavow most of the links. I tried over and over with different sellers, more expensive ones, but I had the same experience over and over again.

Don't get me wrong, these links weren't bad themselves, they just wouldn’t be able to provide long-term results I could rely on. I invested thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into the content, design, and other links in my project, and what I found was that buying these kinds of PBN links was a straight way to get penalized by Google.

How I built my own PBN

I never gave up on the idea of PBN. So, I decided I just had to get my own network. PBN in its original sense - made for me and by myself, the one I can get long-term rankings from.
I started with the domains. I wouldn't be wrong if I said that 90+% of the PBN effect is determined by the power of the domain.

I made it my daily habit to browse domain auctions and backorder services, checking the domain link profiles, and buying the ones with strong and clean link profiles.
Then I hired designers to design the blogs and ordered content. I followed all the security instructions like different hosts, fake or private whois, different themes, plugins, etc. It's not that difficult, but time-consuming for sure.

And it worked like magic. Forums and SEO experts were right—PBN links are a game-changer.

Just a couple of homepage links can push the page from 30+ position to the top 10 and a couple more—to the top 3-5 for most of the medium-competition keywords.

PBN worked pretty well for me, so I decided to make a service out of it. Make it Transparent, Results-driven and User-friendly.
Our goal is to give you the advantages of having your own PBN for a fracture of a cost and with zero maintenance hassle.
But to make it a reality, I had to fix the aspects I hated as a PBN links buyer.


Number 1 rule of a successful PBN.

Domains. Period.

PBN is meant to pass on domain link juice, and it cannot pass if link juice doesn't exist
The stronger the link profile of the domain, the better results the link provides.
(с) Сaptain Obvious

And all of the strong domains are to be found on domain auctions. And the competition for good domains is harsh.

Several strong links with exact match anchor texts casually mix with your other links without raising red flags. It's just much less risky to use 1-2 strong PBN links instead of 10 weak ones.

Our approach to content

PBN content should look intrinsical to the domain history, link profile, and topic.
Here is how we do it:

We started out with a domain about intellectual property
We recreated it to look like a magazine for intellectual property lawyers.

We needed to link to an article reviewing guitars with an anchor "best beginner guitars"
So, we found a topic related to music and intellectual property and wrote about it.

Example 1 - "Why your favorite artists are broke. Hint: because of intellectual property"
and casually included a link to the review of musical instruments.
Example 2 – How Musk’s Solar City technologies are different from other solar companies?
anchor – solar panels company California
Example 3 – Facebook introduces new intellectual property policy
anchor – buy Facebook followers
Example 4 – Weber introduced patented electric grills with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Anchor – best dual grills
Example 5 – Google shows its first fitness tracker. How is it different from the competitors?
anchor – best fitness tracker

For our second example, we started out with a website about sailing.
Here we were able to connect a number of seemingly unrelated topics through relevant articles.

Example 1 – Skincare for sailors: how to keep skin healthy from the sun, salt, and wind
Anchor – best skincare for men
Example 2 – Top-10 tools you should have on the boat
Anchor – best screwdriver set
Example 3 – How to Choose the Right Generator for Your Boat
Anchor – best solar generator
Example 4 – Top-5 tips for fishing from the boat
Anchor – best fishing rods
Example 5 – Why Florida is the best place for sailing
Anchor – diving school Florida

Why do we care about content?
  1. It just looks less suspicious and makes more sense to Google algorithm, which is advanced in understanding content and link relevancy. Thus, we believe, it provides a more substantial ranking boost and attracts less unnecessary attention from big G.
  2. Properly adapted PBN post passes more link juice than just bluntly putting out an article titled "top-5 best guitars for beginners" on an absolutely irrelevant website.
  3. We simply love to make creative articles.

To see the live demos of our PBN design - leave a reply in the thread.

Here is how our service works
Sign up here
1. Browse among 100+ PBNs in 15 different niches.
  • Use search parameters to quickly find niche relevant links
  • Review all our metrics before deciding
  • See the Outbound Backlinks Limit (OBL)


2. Add link data
  • Pick the URL you want us to promote
  • Include the anchor text
  • Give us the date you want it published
  • Pick your length of rental (6, 12 months)


3. Track how we deliver

  • We immediately assign your content to our writing team.
  • It is scheduled and ready to go on your publishing date.
  • You can track the progress of the entire process with our tracker.

1) What payment methods do you accept?
We have PayPal at the moment as a default payment method, but if you want to use crypto or any other method—just let us know. We can accept it and then manually top-up your balance.

2. Do you provide reports?
No, we don’t for safety reasons.

3. Can you drip-feed the links?
Sure, we have this option on the platform. You can choose the exact date of publication for each post you are willing to buy.

4. What niches you don’t accept?
Anything shady that could damage the network—adult, gambling, etc. If you aren’t sure, PM or contact us for approval.

5. Can you build a custom PBN design?
Sure, we have 100+ domains in our shop ready to host PBN. We offer FREE PBN builds for all domains bought from our platform.

6. What is your refund policy?
You can get a refund for a post 7 days before the post was scheduled for publication. No refunds given after the publication date.

7. Do you have samples of PBN?
Yes, we do, leave a reply in the thread to see the samples. Note - samples are demo PBN designs we created only for demonstration.
They don't have our clients' links on them. We don't reveal our actual network. But the samples have exactly the same level of design and content you will get as a customer.

8. How do I sign up?
Follow this link, please - https://chameleonseo.com/login-register/?set_like=sign-up
To see our landing page with more details, go here -

Contact details:
E-mail - [email protected]
Skype - https://join.skype.com/invite/JKRWUutjEx3t

Bottom line - what will you get?
Most of the advantages of having your own PBN for a fracture of a cost and with zero setup and maintenance hassle.
  • Transparency. You will see what you buy - no more packages, just pick the PBN you like based on metrics and niche.
  • Relevant PBN links from strong auction domains
  • The vetted neighborhood of max 9 other links.
  • PRIVATE blog network, not a PUBLIC link farm.
  • Premium design and content fitting the domain history and link profile.
  • Easy-to-use interface - filter by niches, sort by metrics, schedule publication date, and have all your links in 1 project dashboard.
  • Friendly and helpful support - we are always here to help you. Want somebody to take a fresh look at your link profile and give tips?
    Not sure which blog from the network suits your needs? Need advice on anchor text? You name it - I would be happy to chat with you.

Want to get a discount?
Leave a reply in the thread to get a 25 % off coupon code.
Limited-time offer
Marketplace Thread Approved
Summary This PBN service has been tested by the marketplace moderation team to ensure that it meets the standards for the marketplace. The service has been checked to ensure that it can deliver what it advertised and in accordance to its TAT or in a timely manner if no TAT was provided. Service Information
  • This link building service delivered what was advertised.
  • All of the links that were delivered were live.
  • The PBN had minimal footprints.
  • All metrics advertised in the service were correct.
  • At least the majority of the content used in the service was readable.
Thread Edit Log
  • The 5 most recent thread edits will appear here
With anything more than 5 going in here
Information For Buyers:
  • Service Quality: The quality of the product or service that I receive is what you should expect, or better. If you feel that the quality of the service has dropped significantly, please let us know via the report button.
  • Disputes: If you do not receive a product or service as advertised, or at all in the event of a dispute, do not be afraid of a "no refunds" refund policy as you are allowed to request a refund through the shit list process. For more information and to see whether or not your dispute qualifies, refer to the shit list rules and procedures.
  • Review Copies: Per the marketplace rules, if a seller does not offer trials or review copies, please do not request them in the sales thread, otherwise your post will be removed and further action may be taken.
It's been a long long time I purchased an SEO service. I just got tired of most and decided to do the little ones myself. The header excluded, I was enjoying the write-ups. Can one book a discount for this month ending?

Any discount for first-timers like myself?
Ordered! Hoping for the best!
Thank you! I love our Skype conversation, lots of insights.

It's been a long long time I purchased an SEO service. I just got tired of most and decided to do the little ones myself. The header excluded, I was enjoying the write-ups. Can one book a discount for this month ending?

Any discount for first-timers like myself?

Hello! Understand you, I created the service for people like you, who had bad experiences and looking for a more transparent, efficient, and user-friendly service they can rely on with their beloved projects
As for the thread writing - thank you, I wrote it myself, so it's honest and describes my experience leading to the service creation.
I PMed the coupon code for 25 % off, by the way.
Thank you
Looks promising
Would love to see some samples ^^
Looks like a nice service can I see samples, please. Also, can you tell me after 12 months the link is removed from the post?
Looks like a nice service can I see samples, please. Also, can you tell me after 12 months the link is removed from the post?

Thank you! I PMed you the samples.

We are offering to continue staying for consecutive years for just 30% of the original cost. for example, first-year - 45 $, second, third and so on - 15 $/year.
As it's easier for us to stick with the same buyers than switching all the time. But the terms will stay the same - 10 obl max and only homepage links.
Hello, just getting to read this now. Looks fine.

Can I have samples? Discounts?
Hello everyone! I had an unexpected time off in the business.
Glad to announce that we are back. The 25 % discount is still valid for all new buyers.
Please, reply in the thread or PM me if you are interested in the service.
Thank you
May I see sample + discount? Links on PBNs will be kept niche relevant, or anyone can insert for example automotive link to health website?
May I see sample + discount? Links on PBNs will be kept niche relevant, or anyone can insert for example automotive link to health website?
Sure, I sent the PM. Answering your question - PBN may contain links to websites in different niches, but we make sure that the content stays relevant to a primary niche - health. So, if we are linking to auto niche (like auto insurance) from health PBN we will write an article on types of traumas that are common for car accidents and health consequences of this.
And natively put a link to auto insurance.

Order placed: 6AP7xxxxxxxxx3603
Thank you! I am checking it now and assigning it to the writers

Can I see a sample
Yes, sure, I sent the PM
Hi mate,
I would love to check the samples.I'm satisfied with your expired domain service that why I'm thinking about PBN.send me the coupon please
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