Hi im new to this and I had a question.

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Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
I want to start being productive online and be a drop shipping source for members of this community. To clarify. I AM NOT CURRENTLY OFFERING OR ENGAGING IN ANY MARKETING SO DO NOT ASK THERE WILL BE NO REPLY. I also do not want to break any site rules. I have a simple question and if asking it violates the terms I will accept it being taken down no problem. I just simply would like to know what the average or acceptable percentage of profit a marketer and drop shipping rep normally goes for. For example 5% or per day fee or what have you. Again I'm clueless and would love to invest in having products on hand and I would definately post here according to the rules and subscription pricing. I just want to get an idea of what I'm looking at to figure overhead to see if it's a viable option for me to pursue. I'd appreciate all legitimate feedback. Thanks for reading and thank you black hat community.
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