Hi. Im a NOOB Alien who need help to start online earning.

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Sep 25, 2020
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Hi everyone.

Im a 40year old guy, i have 4children and my wife:) and a full time employee work for very low amount cash:)
I want to learn how to make some +money of my internet and my pc in our home.
First time just little money and later making more to full time online money earning.
We live in Hungary, our possibilities are very limited of our world region and im really NOOB in this theme.
We have no knowledge the IM. If anybody have a step by step guide how to start earning little, we need it. I mean what we need, where and how to start, what ist the best starting......... everything
We need some step by step guide to start earning online money and later make the business bigger full time online earning.
I know this is not easy and not fast. We want to start little and step to step a stable bigger. We have no idea how to or where to start for a little stable monthly income. We accept any help we can get. Our region is very limited and we hate living in Hungary. Here not works nothing normally.
I know this is too mutch, but i think i found here the best place for our goal.
Sorry for my terrible english.
Thank you all. XenomorphHUN&Chrystina and our family.
Hi and welcome :)
I was working online from 2008-2017 and a lot of things have changed. Before it was much more easier.
After a break, I'm also looking with what to start.

There are a lot of us from lot worse countries then Hungary, so this is not the limit ;)
I appreciate you opening up to the forum.

There are a lot of guides, threads and resources in BHW and on internet otherwise.

You need to learn the whole Internet marketing, and how it works, Don't worry it is easy to understand.

There are lots of methods, niches, categories, sub-niches and a whole lot more from where you can earn.

So, if you get basic-intermediate knowledge on how things work then you can decide to follow a method to get going.

Don't jump right away and seek to earn money online because it will be very difficult and it is very easy to burn money in the IM industry.

All the best for your learning :)
Welcome to BHW and the best thing you can do is read threads on the forum there are plenty out there.
I would honestly say that your country isn’t a huge limitation to making money online. It’s just about experimentation and finding a method that works for you. Obviously 99% of the information you find won’t really be fruitful.
Welcome here, well it's all about information and experimenting, I've seen a lot of people making their way online just by watching.
The good thing here is that you can ask and find a lot of information about ecommerce, keep reading from this forum after sometime you will get a sense of what works and what doesn't then go to the wilderness and test your ideas...
As Summary here is some idea to make money from Internet :
Copy writing, web developer, web content writing, virtual assistant (VA),get paid to help companies find a Brand Name, Domain Name, or Slogan, affiliate marketing (start a blog), drop shipping(create drop shipping store). become SEO Expert, Youtuber, content creator and many more. just keep digging and search on this forum because some expert and guru's are in this forum!
Good luck for you and your family OP but be prepared for the reality that there's a LOT of researching ahead of you so it's good to get used to it..

The forum is full of information about making money, if you're committed to making money using IM then you need to spend as much time as you can reading.. use chrome and you can easily translate the pages into Hungarian.. although the translation isn't the best, it's readable from what I hear.

If you research enough and put enough effort into learning, you will succeed. If you only wait for people to direct you, you probably won't succeed. Good luck!
Welcome to BHW neighbor ;)

First of all, the internet is FreeLand and where we physically live has nothing to do with "what we can do online".

I know people that struggle for the last 10 years from the USA and I know people making 6 figures every year from countries where the average salary is maybe even less than $150/month.

Since you are a total rookie, there is not much to say, you need to invest your free time smart, you need to read a lot!

Someone mention that it is not easy anymore, the fact is, yes it was easier for example back in 2011/12 then it is today for most people, but in the same time, what works for me won't work for you, there are people banking hard with less than a year of IM experience.

I will suggest you read around this forum and before you decide to try something, open a new thread and ask your question, ask for opinions so you don't lose your time if it is something bad.

Wish you all the best ;)
[QUOTE = "VSYNC, post: 13645170, tag: 1333509"]
Sok szerencsét neked és családodnak, de készülj fel arra a valóságra, hogy SOKOK a kutatás előtted, így jó megszokni ..

A fórum tele van információkkal a pénzszerzésről, ha elkötelezett az IM használatával, akkor annyi időt kell töltenie, amennyit csak tud olvasni .. használja a krómot, és könnyedén lefordíthatja az oldalakat magyarra .. bár a fordítás nem a legjobb, olvasható abból, amit hallok.

Ha eleget kutatsz és elegendő erőfeszítést fordítasz a tanulásra, akkor sikerrel jársz. Ha csak arra vársz, hogy az emberek irányítsanak, akkor valószínűleg nem fog sikerülni. Sok szerencsét!

Tank you so mutch:) We want to "L"earn and start our family IM business. I think this is a BEST PLACE to learn and found help:) We need stable way not a lightspeed way:) Thank you again:)
Hello @XenomorphHUN, do NOT focus on building a blog or an amazon affiliate website, because these things take forever and quick money is always better.

Virtual Assistant (VA)
Help People With Different Office Or Phone Tasks

Where you can find VA jobs:
- upwork.com
- facebook.com groups / linkedin.com
- blackhatworld.com jr. vip account

Write Text or Articles For Other People

Where you can find jobs:
- upwork.com
- facebook.com groups / linkedin.com
- blackhatworld.com jr. vip account

Sell Products Online Without Buying Them At The Beginning (I Suggest Instagram At The Beginning)

- find a HQ product aliexpress.com (or look at the ads on instagram.com and copy the product)
- create a website with shopify.com (partner account)
- promote it on instagram.com (with influencers)

Always higher your goals, if you make 100€ per month set your goal at 200€ the next month. People earn 100.000.000 € and more online, without employees.

Here is some motivation:

sebastien-gabriel--IMlv9Jlb24-unsplash (1).jpg
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