Hey Guys/Gals. I need a little advice if you don't mind


Junior Member
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, without giving away exact details here is the idea. I have a list with about 530,000 double optins that I acquired. I also have a domain that is a 2 word highly relevant domain in their professional niche. What I am thinking about doing is selling these people a website with the subdomain such as theirname.theniche.co Should I do that for residual income or should I just promote an affiliate offer to them. The thing is I am unsure if people would want a subdomain . I am curious to know your opinions and if any of you have ever tried something similar to this.

At first glance this may seem like a good idea however if things go wrong, you are the one with your name on everything. You can sell these sub domains to people but then you don't really have any idea what they are using them for. They could be conducting illegal activity or otherwise doing things that would affect the viability of other domains on your hosting account.

Also, how does your host feel about this? You may run into issues if all of a sudden there is a ton of bandwidth usage and everyone's website gets shut down because there is too much traffic. You could potentially have a lot of angry customers on your hands.

It looks like someone was thinking about something similar in this thread,



Hi Shawn,

Thanks for your advice. What I was thinking was actually building the sites for them and charging them a monthly fee. This is for a professional niche that i see many crappy websites for. As far as my host I already spoke with the gator. I have my own pro dedicated servers that I am pretty sure can handle anything I throw at them and if not I can upgrade. My biggest concern is 2 fold. First, would a company want a subdomain rather than their own domain and then the question of what i should charge them. I am building them a website where they have the ability to add their own listings (hint on niche). I always stumble on what to charge clients. I look at sites like web.com that charge them 0.00 upfront and then 50 a month and it gets me sick. I have had meetings where clients tell me they saw an ad on tv where they can get their website built for x.xx and I don't know how to counter that.

This is the reason i was thinking about affiliate programs. The problem with that is their is no long term growth in that. Again, thank you for your advice Shawn i appreciate it.