[Help]Terrible with CPA Network


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2012
Reaction score
I am using Optimizepress For THe website and i have around 30 Countried REdirects depedning on geo Location and i have around 1000 views but still i don't get any conversion i am using peerfly and adworkdmedia can anyone tell what is wrong that i am doing my all traffic are from facebook,twitter social networks
Are the offers relevant to the content? How many unique visitors so far? Did they land on the website naturally like G search, Youtube, links etc?

CPA networks are often not the issue, it has to do with how everything is built up, unless you're dealing with scamming networks.
yea they are landing to the offer because i can see number of views on the offers but there are no conversions i don't know why most of the offer are free sign up's and email/pin submit and people are redirected to the offers but when its comes top conversion its kind of nill and i guess i am using one of the good cpa networks likes peerfly,adworkmedia