Hey there,
Thanks everyone for being so nice here.
I've been using uniquefier and been fool by it. It doesn't even cover my articles from copyscape, not to say search engine.
Anyone can recommend a good article rewriter here? I'm getting article directly from article directory and video from youtube posted directly to my blogs, I need a good article rewriter/spinner that can at least spin the article and make it into unique without too much gramatically error.
I'm using wordpress by the way.
Appreciate for your recommendation here!
Thanks everyone for being so nice here.
I've been using uniquefier and been fool by it. It doesn't even cover my articles from copyscape, not to say search engine.
Anyone can recommend a good article rewriter here? I'm getting article directly from article directory and video from youtube posted directly to my blogs, I need a good article rewriter/spinner that can at least spin the article and make it into unique without too much gramatically error.
I'm using wordpress by the way.
Appreciate for your recommendation here!