HELP -30k unique visitor per month - need ways to monetize


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I am working with a friend that has a site with 30 k uniques a month.
We have no idea how to monitize this site.
I need ideas, courses anything that could nicely monitize this site

we deal with celebrity news but R rated stuff. Google ads are not sticking!
I dont know why.

any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried any CPA offer. These days there are so many "content blocker" scripts which ask you to fill some form of CPA before showing the content. That could work.

Also, this kind of sites are searched by ladies, so have offers which targets them.

Hope that is useful to you.
I would contact Revenue Hits, i have had a TON of luck with them ever since being banned from adsense for a 3rd time.. earnings are up to par , not like the other ones that only pay pennies per click...