I am Rich,
I am not new here per se. I have lurked and learned some. (Thanks to all who post here! you are helping many like me that you have no idea you impact!)
I have lurked here, experimented, become determined to earn a full time income, worked hard, seen little results, then felt lost and somewhat quit only to start the cycle all over again.
This has happened a couple times with me. I now have a renewed enthusiasm for making it work (earning a full time income from online efforts of my own).
I have made SOME income from affiliate marketing but it has been inconsistent and very minimal.
I recently did some soul searching, some goal setting. Looking at my life. Result: I have only one definite life goal now.
It's different this time it's do or die for me. I have no distractions.
I have decided definitively that I will do WHATEVER it takes to accomplish the life goal of making a full time income from my own efforts online.
This lead me to a thread by shezboy from way back basically saying to introduce yourself and interact see post here:
I reevaluated myself and got honest, I'm not a real outgoing guy I don't do " Social" well (face to face or online lol) I HATE to ask anyone for help on the computer or in real life....I'm just sitting in isolation reading... hoping if I read enough "how to make money forum posts I'll find "the sure thing to do".
So I am taking the advice given in the post. I am introducing myself in hopes to expand my comfort zone. I do have time to spend as is mentioned in the post so I am blessed in that respect.
Look forward to interacting, learning, and helping where I can here as I go on.
Hello and thanks to all here!
I am not new here per se. I have lurked and learned some. (Thanks to all who post here! you are helping many like me that you have no idea you impact!)
I have lurked here, experimented, become determined to earn a full time income, worked hard, seen little results, then felt lost and somewhat quit only to start the cycle all over again.
This has happened a couple times with me. I now have a renewed enthusiasm for making it work (earning a full time income from online efforts of my own).
I have made SOME income from affiliate marketing but it has been inconsistent and very minimal.
I recently did some soul searching, some goal setting. Looking at my life. Result: I have only one definite life goal now.
It's different this time it's do or die for me. I have no distractions.
I have decided definitively that I will do WHATEVER it takes to accomplish the life goal of making a full time income from my own efforts online.
This lead me to a thread by shezboy from way back basically saying to introduce yourself and interact see post here:
I reevaluated myself and got honest, I'm not a real outgoing guy I don't do " Social" well (face to face or online lol) I HATE to ask anyone for help on the computer or in real life....I'm just sitting in isolation reading... hoping if I read enough "how to make money forum posts I'll find "the sure thing to do".
So I am taking the advice given in the post. I am introducing myself in hopes to expand my comfort zone. I do have time to spend as is mentioned in the post so I am blessed in that respect.
Look forward to interacting, learning, and helping where I can here as I go on.
Hello and thanks to all here!