Hello ! I aspire to change my life.

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Life 101

Junior Member
Aug 31, 2020
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Hello everyone ! (TL;DR IN THE END)

I registered in order to find some information that can change my life.

I am currently someone really lazy. I have a job that I want to quit for a long time now but I never do it because I speak, search and research some more about internet marketing and online businesses but I never actually do any shit.
I'm a thinker, not a doer. I need to change that. Clearly.

And believe me, I tried. But for some reason I always go back to my original routes.
I don't wanna sound desperate on my introduction to y'all but damn... I am a little sick of this, just a little bit !

Creating this account represented the first step to the change I need in my life !

And so, I will ask you somehing.

Instead of say hello to me, or welcome me, tell me some tips on how to overcome this difficulties, tips on how to overcome the junk food, the Netflix binge watching all the time, the videogames, the bad habits and addictions in general.
Tell me how you made your full-time income online in a summarized way, fuck it, I'd love to read your entire journey till the moment you got your first little success and how you kept growing from there.
Tell me how you are battling to reach your first dollars.

Tell me how you quit your job, I mean, i do not have many things to pay really, I'm 20 and I live with my parents, usually i just spend random money hanging out with my girlfriend or friends. Or alcohol or dinner.
The thing is, for some reason, the money goes down pretty fast. That's why i keep my job. I'm already trying to cut down some stupid expenses but it is really hard because I'm not used to it.
How did you cut your most meaningless expenses ?

Well, that's pretty much all my intro.

I'm a fucked up guy who does nothing special with his life, I just live meaningless days everyday. Why i want to make full-time income online ? To stop going to meaningless jobs and spend that meaningless time with myself and my gf.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice journey !
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The first step in your online journey: You need to break up with your gf.

Best of luck
Tell me how you made your full-time income online in a summarized way, fuck it, I'd love to read your entire journey till the moment you got your first little success and how you kept growing from there.
Tell me how you are battling to reach your first dollars.
You just gotta start it, there is no magic trick.
The first step in your online journey: You need to break up with your gf.

Best of luck
How would that help me ? Except taking one of the small list of things that give my life some meaning?

Thanks, appreciate it!
No one can motivate you except you tbh. I'm in my 40's and I'm still working fulltime while trying to figure out IM and a way out for me. Luckily for you, you're still in your 20's.

You have to want to change your spending habits and your life in general. Also, keep your job as you'll need that money to build your online business.

Just keep on trying and keep going, like the rest of us.
Hello everyone ! (TL;DR IN THE END)

I registered in order to find some information that can change my life.

I am currently someone really lazy. I have a job that I want to quit for a long time now but I never do it because I speak, search and research some more about internet marketing and online businesses but I never actually do any shit.
I'm a thinker, not a doer. I need to change that. Clearly.

And believe me, I tried. But for some reason I always go back to my original routes.
I don't wanna sound desperate on my introduction to y'all but damn... I am a little sick of this, just a little bit !

Creating this account represented the first step to the change I need in my life !

And so, I will ask you somehing.

Instead of say hello to me, or welcome me, tell me some tips on how to overcome this difficulties, tips on how to overcome the junk food, the Netflix binge watching all the time, the videogames, the bad habits and addictions in general.
Tell me how you made your full-time income online in a summarized way, fuck it, I'd love to read your entire journey till the moment you got your first little success and how you kept growing from there.
Tell me how you are battling to reach your first dollars.

Tell me how you quit your job, I mean, i do not have many things to pay really, I'm 20 and I live with my parents, usually i just spend random money hanging out with my girlfriend or friends. Or alcohol or dinner.
The thing is, for some reason, the money goes down pretty fast. That's why i keep my job. I'm already trying to cut down some stupid expenses but it is really hard because I'm not used to it.
How did you cut your most meaningless expenses ?

Well, that's pretty much all my intro.

I'm a fucked up guy who does nothing special with his life, I just live meaningless days everyday. Why i want to make full-time income online ? To stop going to meaningless jobs and spend that meaningless time with myself and my gf.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice journey !
It's easy to turn your life around positively. But you must tackle one problem at a time and then let it snowball.

1) Don't quit your job yet. And don't focus on earning online right away, till you fix your lifestyle. Some of these lifestyle changes will need money, which can be funded by your job.

2) No need to turn off Netflix completely and feel like shit. Replace the shitty shows you watch with movies that could be uplifting. Make a list of movies on business and success and watch only those. A few recommendations: Top Guy, Peaky Blinders, Narcos, Narcos Mexico, Moneyball, Takers etc.

3) Replace your junk food with healfhier stuff, one small portion at a time. Day one, have 90% junk, 10% healthy stuff. Day two, have 85% junk, 15% healthy and so on till you reach 30% junk, 70% healthy food.

4) Replace alcohol with weed. And don't smoke more than two joints a day. One to start your day, second to end your day. Nothing in between. After smoking up you can watch or listen to Naval Ravikant's podcasts on YouTube.

5) Start doing 5 minute workouts. Just 10-20 pushups a few times in a day.

6) Don't watch porn. Enjoy making out or having sex with your girlfriend - it's a better addiction than porn.

Read the following books:
- 12 Rules Of Life by Jordan Peterson
- 88 The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis

Once you've got some cleanliness and order in your life, only then focus on learning skills to make money online.

And DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB till you have minimum 6 months of living expenses saved up and your online income method is actually generating at least 30% of your monthly salary.

Give the above plan 90 days. It will definitely bring some beautiful change in your life.

Hello everyone ! (TL;DR IN THE END)

I registered in order to find some information that can change my life.

I am currently someone really lazy. I have a job that I want to quit for a long time now but I never do it because I speak, search and research some more about internet marketing and online businesses but I never actually do any shit.
I'm a thinker, not a doer. I need to change that. Clearly.

And believe me, I tried. But for some reason I always go back to my original routes.
I don't wanna sound desperate on my introduction to y'all but damn... I am a little sick of this, just a little bit !

Creating this account represented the first step to the change I need in my life !

And so, I will ask you somehing.

Instead of say hello to me, or welcome me, tell me some tips on how to overcome this difficulties, tips on how to overcome the junk food, the Netflix binge watching all the time, the videogames, the bad habits and addictions in general.
Tell me how you made your full-time income online in a summarized way, fuck it, I'd love to read your entire journey till the moment you got your first little success and how you kept growing from there.
Tell me how you are battling to reach your first dollars.

Tell me how you quit your job, I mean, i do not have many things to pay really, I'm 20 and I live with my parents, usually i just spend random money hanging out with my girlfriend or friends. Or alcohol or dinner.
The thing is, for some reason, the money goes down pretty fast. That's why i keep my job. I'm already trying to cut down some stupid expenses but it is really hard because I'm not used to it.
How did you cut your most meaningless expenses ?

Well, that's pretty much all my intro.

I'm a fucked up guy who does nothing special with his life, I just live meaningless days everyday. Why i want to make full-time income online ? To stop going to meaningless jobs and spend that meaningless time with myself and my gf.

Thanks for reading, and have a nice journey !
Just execute not just read about it. No tricks hard work.
No one can motivate you except you tbh. I'm in my 40's and I'm still working fulltime while trying to figure out IM and a way out for me. Luckily for you, you're still in your 20's.

You have to want to change your spending habits and your life in general. Also, keep your job as you'll need that money to build your online business.

Just keep on trying and keep going, like the rest of us.
Simple words, but with truth in it, thank you.

It's easy to turn your life around positively. But you must tackle one problem at a time and then let it snowball.

1) Don't quit your job yet. And don't focus on earning online right away, till you fix your lifestyle. Some of these lifestyle changes will need money, which can be funded by your job.

2) No need to turn off Netflix completely and feel like shit. Replace the shitty shows you watch with movies that could be uplifting. Make a list of movies on business and success and watch only those. A few recommendations: Top Guy, Peaky Blinders, Narcos, Narcos Mexico, Moneyball, Takers etc.

3) Replace your junk food with healfhier stuff, one small portion at a time. Day one, have 90% junk, 10% healthy stuff. Day two, have 85% junk, 15% healthy and so on till you reach 30% junk, 70% healthy food.

4) Replace alcohol with weed. And don't smoke more than two joints a day. One to start your day, second to end your day. Nothing in between. After smoking up you can watch or listen to Naval Ravikant's podcasts on YouTube.

5) Start doing 5 minute workouts. Just 10-20 pushups a few times in a day.

6) Don't watch porn. Enjoy making out or having sex with your girlfriend - it's a better addiction than porn.

Read the following books:
- 12 Rules Of Life by Jordan Peterson
- 88 The Narrow Road by Felix Dennis

Once you've got some cleanliness and order in your life, only then focus on learning skills to make money online.

And DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB till you have minimum 6 months of living expenses saved up and your online income method is actually generating at least 30% of your monthly salary.

Give the above plan 90 days. It will definitely bring some beautiful change in your life.

I gotta admit, I have thought of change multiple times, but I never actually had a plan to pursue.
This really inspired me. I am actually thinking on giving this a shot with some tweaks here and there.
I started by making the push-ups.

Thank you for spending some time writing this, I suppose you went through something familiar ? I mean, it seems like you know what you're talking about.
Simple words, but with truth in it, thank you.

I gotta admit, I have thought of change multiple times, but I never actually had a plan to pursue.
This really inspired me. I am actually thinking on giving this a shot with some tweaks here and there.
I started by making the push-ups.

Thank you for spending some time writing this, I suppose you went through something familiar ? I mean, it seems like you know what you're talking about.
Yeah man. I turned around my life just last December. By fixing the lifestyle before focusing on making money, I've achieved in the last 7 months what could have taken a few years.

When you want to grow a fruit tree, you can't be obsessing over the fruits. You gotta plant the seed, take care of the soil, water the plant - basically create a conducive environment for the plant to grow and bear fruits.

It's the same with fixing your lifestyle. When you have taken care of your physical, mental and emotional health you'll notice that making money suddenly becomes easy magically.
You need to get out from your comfort zone. Don't quit your job. If you cannot do it now, quitting you job won't help you. Well in my case it's because the situation force me. Just my 2 cent start with create a time 2 hour a day. where you turn off all entertainment and communication, go to your room. lock the door than focus only on im. Start reading journey section. You should also split your income take 60% out use it for im, and investment like stocks, cryptocurrency. Start early, don't wait to be forced by the situation. Trust me it's no fun
Yeah man. I turned around my life just last December. By fixing the lifestyle before focusing on making money, I've achieved in the last 7 months what could have taken a few years.

When you want to grow a fruit tree, you can't be obsessing over the fruits. You gotta plant the seed, take care of the soil, water the plant - basically create a conducive environment for the plant to grow and bear fruits.

It's the same with fixing your lifestyle. When you have taken care of your physical, mental and emotional health you'll notice that making money suddenly becomes easy magically.
Congratz on your effort and on your journeys ! (just read them)
That seems reasonable, hope it works that way, it took me a long time to understand I needed to change but I'm now ready for it and I just hope I can make it.

Thanks once again, will be following your path here.
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