Heading Out to Fight Terrorism

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Just a regular Lurker here...but have to say something...Not even going to go into the politics of all this, whatever, politics don't matter to soldier, they just salute, move out and draw fire. I was in from 1987 to 2007, and I was in the "ranks" or the "community", or whatever you want to call it.

So something practical to the OP.......KidSick, if you are in the ranks of SF, like you said, did you get your opsec classes yet ? Maybe you should watch your opsec, and not be announcing your comings and going on a public board. Don't think i need to explain why do I ?

Besides that, Watch your 6' and good luck.
You would shoot a man if the President asked you to? How "noble"...

@azxten: thank you for adding some common sense and reason to this thread. People on this forum have been banned for less. I won't follow-up on your argument, since I have little credibility to waste, but people like you make me feel not the whole populace is a bunch of hypocritical, warmongering sheep.

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This thread is funny. None of you have any idea. American wars now are a last resort option for empire building. The very first step in US empire building is foreign loans.

We use so called "economic hit men" to create falsified reports of how huge industrial, energy, and transportation investments in underdeveloped countries will result in huge economic growth for these countries. These reports are presented to the leaders of these countries who fall into three categories. The first is the greedy politician. These people know the reports are false but sign their country into debt for personal gain. The second is the confused politician. These people think the reports are valid and sign their countries into debt because they believe it will help.

However, the last group is the politician who knows the US is trying to fuck them and is above personal greed. If the leaders of an underdeveloped nation fall into this category the economic hit men go away and the CIA takes over. This is when we support opposition to the current leadership, try to assassinate leaders, etc.

If this fails as well the last resort of military intervention. The US does NOT like to use the military because it upsets people, draws attention to our conquest, etc. This is why there is rarely war now.

Empires are now built out of loans and debt, then convert coups, then military power. The foreign aid loans we make have stipulations that all construction MUST be done by US corporations. This means money flows from banks in the US, through foreign countries, and back to engineering firms in the US. Now we have them hooked. Unfortunately, our reports were "exaggerated" and even after all the new construction is complete the country is not doing any better but now they have billions in debt to the US. This debt is then used as leverage to sway UN votes, give US corporations access to their resources for cheap, etc.

That's about all there is to it. When we put troops into another country it's because they wouldn't become indebted to us by listening to our lies about economic development and the CIA failed to cause sufficient unrest or assassination resulting in a puppet government being put in place.


Is this good or bad or what? That's for each person to decide for themselves. The above are simply the facts of how power is gained in the world today. The UK and China are also both playing this game. Also, giving "aid" to countries is how we keep them impoverished. It's similar to welfare in the US. By giving them just enough to stay alive they are docile and allow us to steal their very life essence.

In the US welfare is a way of ensuring we have plenty of people who can't quite get ahead in life but can continue to work minimum wage jobs, going to prison (supporting infrastructure), or other "bad things" that we in fact rely on to function. We have countries in Africa that are billions in debt to us and all their people are starving to death but they produce enough food to feed half the world. Why is this? Because we give them enough aid to survive, steal all their crops as exports because they're so in debt they have to do it, and they blame their own government.

The old way was military occupation of a country and slavery of the people. Around the time of the black civil rights movement in the US this changed into economic occupation and wage slavery of the people. Then they only get mad at themselves because they think it's their fault they're poor, etc and everyone who isn't poor can believe they are somehow better and that's why they aren't poor. It's really luck of the draw though.

Don't believe it? Look at Iraq. My favorite part of Operation Iraqi Freedom is that even though their military put up essentially zero resistance we came in and blew the fuck out of all their infrastructure. Then we auctioned off the rights to rebuild that same infrastructure to US corporations. Saddam wouldn't kneel to the US empire, the CIA couldn't get him, and so we had to come in with our guns and blow the fuck out of everything so we could get those fucking economic contracts signed god damn it! I love it. Same thing is happening in Afghanistan.

Any small country that has any resources at all is a target for us and will be for many years to come until all of them have been placed under our debt flag. Once that's done it's time for World War III and whatever nation has the most indebted subnations wins. The race is on.

To the OP: I hope you enjoy being shot at for other people's political and financial gain. Oh and all you bleeding heart "patriots" crack me the fuck up. Are you really so INCREDIBLY STUPID that you think the concept of a country matters to the ultra elite in the world now? This isn't the 1800s anymore. The world has gotten about 1,000 times smaller in the last 20 years. This is a fight for global conquest and countries are simply a distraction and means of control. Give me a fucking break. The people fighting in foreign countries right now are doing nothing but supporting the gain of some powerful people who will run the US into the ground if it helps them. These people WANT the US to fall apart eventually, it's part of their plan to globalization. Bush has like 600,000 acres of land in Argentina of all places. That's where all the money and power will be by the end of our lifetimes. The US will be about as advanced and well off as India.

You and Younguns speak the truth. Good to know we got some guys who know who's behind the curtain in all of this. Check out Zeitgeist if you would like the learn moar.
Good luck out there and god bless you. You are a great American for doing this for us all. I appreciate your service. And that goes for all American military members on here and in the world.
You would shoot a man if the President asked you to? How "noble"...

@azxten: thank you for adding some common sense and reason to this thread. People on this forum have been banned for less. I won't follow-up on your argument, since I have little credibility to waste, but people like you make me feel not the whole populace is a bunch of hypocritical, warmongering sheep.


Well said. It can be overwhelming at times however I remain optimistic for real reasons spiritual and not religious. Quite sad that these topics are reduced to opinion and debate in the U.S. especially.
Research, whether it's SEO methods or world affairs pwns opinion any day of the week. :eek:

Few think for themselves and even fewer after thinking read and research the backdrop. War is theater. Churchill and MacArthur said so. 7.5 hours of TV on avg in the U.S., the German kinder garten (garden of children) import of the 19th century and Rockefeller's Board of Ed leave little room for anything other than "SHUT THE FUCK UP!! YOU'RE TALKING TO A U.S. SOLDIER!! :flame: "

I champion those with the heart and intellect enough to speak up and educate those of us who want to learn and the Mods for not banning us in our Lounge....so far...
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Just a regular Lurker here...but have to say something...Not even going to go into the politics of all this, whatever, politics don't matter to soldier, they just salute, move out and draw fire. I was in from 1987 to 2007, and I was in the "ranks" or the "community", or whatever you want to call it.

So something practical to the OP.......KidSick, if you are in the ranks of SF, like you said, did you get your opsec classes yet ? Maybe you should watch your opsec, and not be announcing your comings and going on a public board. Don't think i need to explain why do I ?

Besides that, Watch your 6' and good luck.

Good point. He probably did not even think of the idea that "others" may be monitoring or even posting on this very board.

Our enemies are smarter than many give them credit for.
Good luck, man...

I'm not a pro-war kind of guy. But facing a soldier like you, your purpose and your beliefs, can't but makes me face the fact that you are a free man, like anybody else, free to do as you think.

You wanna shoot somebody? Shoot. Kill. Follow your inner compass. Do what feels good, avoid what hurts.

It's not up to me to tell what's right and what's wrong.

We are all here to learn our lesson. Where's the real happiness? Why am I afraid to lose people I love and die?

Respect to you, man.
Everything is gonna be ok, anyway.

If you knew Anything about a soldier its not what you as a individual believe in its doing what Your Country Ask you to do. IF the president told me to go over shoot him in the head i would pull out my 9 walk over and pull the trigger. We Do as we are told thats what your job is thats what you sign up for. Not everyone in the military believes in these wars but hey we have a job just like the cops who go out and risk there lives over morons. As for me
my additude is alot like the guy in lucky number seleven I have no remorse
I will kill b4 i am killed been there done that moving on. I know you have your right to say what you like but just remember Its Are Job To do what we do.

As For Me I LOVE MY job

Forgive me for saying but soldiers doing what they are told is why we had Abu Ghraib and stories of soldiers raping young girls.

As for those going overseas:

Please be careful, respect the natives (despite the news, not all of them are bad), and come home safe.
Opium .
The USA inc. is the World's largest drug dealer.

I'm not defending the taliban...they are evil, but so is the US gov. You see, the Taliban doesn't allow opium to be grown and that's not good for the HUGE multi-billion dollar a year business.

It's a little more complicated than that, but that's the basics.

I just watched a documentary shot recently that depicted the newly deployed troops in Afghanistan. In one scene, the camera man pans across one of the biggest fields of weed and opium poppies I've ever seen in my entire life. The cameraman then asks one of the soldiers "Is it frustrating seeing all that weed and not being able to do anything about it?"

The soldier replies "Nah well we could do something about it if we wanted. But the Taliban tell the people that live here to grow it, and if we come here and cut it all down, when the Taliban come back what do you think is going to happen to those people? They are going to be killed."

I'm not saying you are wrong, because I haven't looked it up for myself yet, but I think you might have it backwards. I think the Taliban want it to be grown.

Also according to the video, one soldier says "That's all these people do, they sit around and smoke weed and opium."

If I can find the video again, I'll post it.

EDIT: To the ones serving our country, now or in the past, I truly thank you for your service. My dad was a Marine and I know what it takes to get out there and fight for your country.

Stay safe and come back home soon.
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I agree with xr250h. Taliban use drugs to fund there arms and other ventures.

Fact is if your getting pennies for growing maize or corn or whatever, and someone offers you triple or more for growing opium, you're obviously going to grow that.

The only way to stop it is to pay the farmers the difference and make them grow other crops. But then you flood an economy with grain and it will devalue it etc. and it's a nightmare.

Same reason we (europe) burn mountains of grain each year and have literal lakes of wine we can't do anything with. We can't give them away as it would destabilise others economies of any countries how actually needed them.

Tricky issue. Solve that, and you're a big step closer to solving this war i guess!
I just watched a documentary shot recently that depicted the newly deployed troops in Afghanistan. In one scene, the camera man pans across one of the biggest fields of weed and opium poppies I've ever seen in my entire life. The cameraman then asks one of the soldiers "Is it frustrating seeing all that weed and not being able to do anything about it?"

The soldier replies "Nah well we could do something about it if we wanted. But the Taliban tell the people that live here to grow it, and if we come here and cut it all down, when the Taliban come back what do you think is going to happen to those people? They are going to be killed."

I'm not saying you are wrong, because I haven't looked it up for myself yet, but I think you might have it backwards. I think the Taliban want it to be grown.

Also according to the video, one soldier says "That's all these people do, they sit around and smoke weed and opium."

If I can find the video again, I'll post it.

EDIT: To the ones serving our country, now or in the past, I truly thank you for your service. My dad was a Marine and I know what it takes to get out there and fight for your country.

Stay safe and come back home soon.

Yea, that's what it is probably like now. But according to what little reading I've done on this subject, the taliban banned it in 2001. I watched something a long time ago with the locals saying that growing poppis is the only way they can survive because something about it's the only thing protected or all their stuff for food crops was destroyed or something like that...don't remember exactly. And of course it brings a lot more than food crops.

Here's something I found:

Opium Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan

Year Cultivation in hectares Production (tons)

1994 71,470 3,400

1995 53,759 2,300

1996 56,824 2,200

1997 58,416 2,800

1998 63,674 2,700

1999 90,983 4,600

2000 82,172 3,300

2001 7,606 185

2002 74,000 3400

2003 80,000 3600

2004 131,000 4200

2005 104,000 3800

2006 165,000** 6100**

Source: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=3294

I think the UN originally posted these numbers...they have a huge right up about it that I don't care enough about to read.

And to niche1's long post on islamic terrorists, yes I agree they have no regard for life and view everyone that's not them as someone who needs to be killed. But you are aware that the bin laden family is connected to certain american corporations with heavy influence in washington, aren't you?

I honestly do not know if we did good in Iraq or not. By that I mean I have not been there or know enough about the conditions there and how the US is going to manipulate their economy enough to judge. A lot more iraqis died than they're telling us, but they are more free for now. At the same time, the US got yet another puppet government and there's a lot more terrorists worldwide. But whether we did good or not, that is not the reason we went there.

To the OP getting sent off soon, I wish you luck and hope that you actually do some good to the people there despite your actual purpose for being there. I hope that your not a blind followerer and are one of the soldiers that will defend our freedom against oppressors if/when the time comes. I admire the extraordinarily high tolerance level soldiers have to prettymuch everything, but don't like the blind follower mentality most probably have (by that I mean believing all of what the top leaders of the world tell you, not taking commands from your sergeant).
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LOL..protecting the country... What a joke!! Soldiers are nothing but stupid sheep who dont think for themselves. WTF..how r u going to protect the USA by going into another country thousands of miles away with no long distance weapons.

And plz...dont even start with this terrorism BS. more people die from smoking and alcohol every year then ever did with terrorism but then again, tobacco and alcohol is responsible for BILLIONS of dollar in taxes every year.

Do i hear the word "FEAR MONGERS". Fuking idiot politicians. useless piece of shit fuks.
LOL..protecting the country... What a joke!! Soldiers are nothing but stupid sheep who dont think for themselves. WTF..how r u going to protect the USA by going into another country thousands of miles away with no long distance weapons.

And plz...dont even start with this terrorism BS. more people die from smoking and alcohol every year then ever did with terrorism but then again, tobacco and alcohol is responsible for BILLIONS of dollar in taxes every year.

Do i hear the word "FEAR MONGERS". Fuking idiot politicians. useless piece of shit fuks.

So many things i want to say... But ill leave it to someone else. Better put your fire proof suit on because flames are coming your way.

About the opium video, i watched something pretty similar. Basically their were british troops doing everything they could to protect a water dam that was generating power. And the camera guy asked "Why are we protecting this dam and not moving forward to protect the actual people", and the commander said, "Because the taliban dont want to kill the people, yet anyway. They want to destroy the dam so that power is lost to the valley, then demoralize people until they join them. So that they can grow in numbers".

It was a eerie feeling to the whole thing. That the taliban are basically destroying any form of happiness in peoples life, so that they can eventually recruit them.

Just FYI aswell, im actually from New Zealand and we recently sent troops over. Maybe you could say we are in on the "Oil Conspiracy" however i doubt it. Maybe we are just following the USA to the ends of the world. Yeah. Doubt it. New Zealand is a completely different beast to what you guys think. We are happy to tell USA to F-Off if anyone wants to bring nuclear ships anywhere near our shores. NZ sending troops to Afghanistan is everything about the people there, not about USA, Britains or Australias agendas.
Oh please sit the fuck own and cut the guy some slack - he is doing his job, one I would not like to do for a million dollars, let alone the pittance (well in the UK anyway) these guys get paid.

Leave the politics at the door where the fat cats get fatter an give this guy some support.....unless you would like to go dodge bullets and ieds in his place?

I was going to stay out of this discussion but I hate it when someone says "he or she is just doing their job".

I'm pretty sure a few of the German soldiers said the same thing when they pulled the lever to gas some Jews.
Wow, I just read this entire thread. I have never see something like this ever. If I say "Hey everyone I am leaving to become a priest it was nice knowing you that I did"

Would you call come back at me with there is or isn't a god?

All the guy was saying is Bye, maybe wishing for a see ya later.

None of you know exactly what is going on, it is impossible to know what is going on due to the fact that you are not the president, and the news is all bullshit.

Our AMERICAN Soldiers are brave men and women that fight for something they believe in and I love them for it.

The people in Iraq/Afgan, or wherever fight for what they believe in and are taught therefor you have to respect them for that.

I truley believe there is no right or wrong side to this war, just two different cultures both doing what they believe is right.

For those of you who slammed him you should be ashamed. I thought bhw members were better then that. I don't believe that was right and also think a mod should scrub all the neg posts in here.

For the OP, I wish you the best of luck, and thank you for what you are doing for the US of A.

For everyone else who served thank you also.
]When your country is filled with uneducated ppl you need dictatorship.

A dictatorship only keeps them uneducated and brainwashed.

I don't support any kind of dictatorship.

As for KidSick, I wish him the best of luck in his tour, and whether or not people support a war, a soldier will always be a respected man in my eyes. It's a much harder job then blackhatting!
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