Have any of you use IPv6 proxies with G


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2013
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Hi , I read a lot of posts on this forum people complain about G blacklisting a lot of hosting IP address .
moment ago I read offer from a VPS provider offering 10/Gigbit(shared port) VPS with 1 IPv4 and /64 IPv6 (that equal to 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IP addresses) ~18 quintillion IPv6 address on your hand.
If I run proxy on this server using IPv6 only , could I e.g scrap G rank page and use it for other Google products like G+ YT Gmail etc ? I guess sames goes to FB IG twitter(bots) etc .
for record at home I don't have IPv6 connection but I mange to have one using my own VPS proxy(which is in Europe ) , I notice that G detect my location based on my IPv6 I tried every single(what my IP/Proxy sites) and they never detect my VPS IPv4 immediately (Like the all prefer IPv6 over IPv4 )
the only downside I think is all your IP's will be on the same subnet /64 ( which maybe could be big footprint ) but if you use your IP address wisely let say having ~100 running proxy for each VPS that's will be huge money saving specially you are using your own clean IP's . e.g they proxy I used at home never get me to have G captcha at all even Paypal accept my login with no issue . I means that's were working for G so how about other less secure services like WebFoums/blogs that's only relies on single IPv4 block at best .
They are suspiciously on IPv6 proxies, since there are so many around. Google searches will result in captcha's much faster.
If you want to try it out you should use multiple /64 subnets.

You can reach the sites over IPv6, so if you don't push it you will be fine with IPv6 proxies.
Twitter won't be reachable over IPv6 (yet).
@zerotje09 thanks for replay , I almost forgot about this threads , anyway I test my self using 3proxy on my server ,
I was able to browsing G and YT using IPv6 connection only , sadly most of sites on the Internet didn't accept connection from IPv6 Twitter reddit they all don't have AAAA DNS records even I know all server around the world had IPv6 Address but the didn't use it ( IDK why )
Since my server had /64 IPv6 I'll do testing to see if YT count view from my server (that's will be insane making thousands of view from sing server :)
Edit I discovered that YT accept IPv6 connection so all websites that uses Cloudflare
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