Senior Member
- Apr 10, 2013
- 833
- 162
Hi , I read a lot of posts on this forum people complain about G blacklisting a lot of hosting IP address .
moment ago I read offer from a VPS provider offering 10/Gigbit(shared port) VPS with 1 IPv4 and /64 IPv6 (that equal to 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IP addresses) ~18 quintillion IPv6 address on your hand.
If I run proxy on this server using IPv6 only , could I e.g scrap G rank page and use it for other Google products like G+ YT Gmail etc ? I guess sames goes to FB IG twitter(bots) etc .
for record at home I don't have IPv6 connection but I mange to have one using my own VPS proxy(which is in Europe ) , I notice that G detect my location based on my IPv6 I tried every single(what my IP/Proxy sites) and they never detect my VPS IPv4 immediately (Like the all prefer IPv6 over IPv4 )
the only downside I think is all your IP's will be on the same subnet /64 ( which maybe could be big footprint ) but if you use your IP address wisely let say having ~100 running proxy for each VPS that's will be huge money saving specially you are using your own clean IP's . e.g they proxy I used at home never get me to have G captcha at all even Paypal accept my login with no issue . I means that's were working for G so how about other less secure services like WebFoums/blogs that's only relies on single IPv4 block at best .
moment ago I read offer from a VPS provider offering 10/Gigbit(shared port) VPS with 1 IPv4 and /64 IPv6 (that equal to 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IP addresses) ~18 quintillion IPv6 address on your hand.
If I run proxy on this server using IPv6 only , could I e.g scrap G rank page and use it for other Google products like G+ YT Gmail etc ? I guess sames goes to FB IG twitter(bots) etc .
for record at home I don't have IPv6 connection but I mange to have one using my own VPS proxy(which is in Europe ) , I notice that G detect my location based on my IPv6 I tried every single(what my IP/Proxy sites) and they never detect my VPS IPv4 immediately (Like the all prefer IPv6 over IPv4 )
the only downside I think is all your IP's will be on the same subnet /64 ( which maybe could be big footprint ) but if you use your IP address wisely let say having ~100 running proxy for each VPS that's will be huge money saving specially you are using your own clean IP's . e.g they proxy I used at home never get me to have G captcha at all even Paypal accept my login with no issue . I means that's were working for G so how about other less secure services like WebFoums/blogs that's only relies on single IPv4 block at best .