Has viral plugin script ... need someone who can invest little


Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
Has viral plugin script ... need someone who can invest 5 $ and push traffic too
this 5 $ is for paying the fees of google crome developer acc or need for creating and publish crome extention which mine script need !

as of this script is viral from last 3 weeks or more
i has live traffic stats too of this ...

so if interested in jv i will be interested
just PM me or comment if has any questions !
I would like to see live traffic stats first. Add me on skype - abuhaneefa7 .
Send me your paypal and I will give you a free $5 to make things happen :)
1. Stuff like this should go in the JV section, not here. If you can't post in the JV section yet then it's because you're not supposed to - build up your post count and try again once you're a bit more established on the forum.

2. If $5 is really all you need then why don't you just raise it yourself? If you have any skills what so ever then raising $5 should take you no longer than half an hour. Start by checking out some threads in BHW's Hire-a-Freelancer section.