Has anyone in here ever built a Website that achieved 1,000,000 organic (non-Bot) site visitors (webtraffic) per month, or even more than that?


Jul 2, 2021
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I am really wondering what it takes to build a Website that receives at the very least 1,000,000 organic (non-Bot) site visitors (webtraffic) every month,
which methods are required to get there, and how much regular or even daily effort is needed to keep up the steam.

So don't hesitate to post your past success stories in here, how many site visitors did your best promoted Website get per month?
I think that depends on the niche first of all.
For one niche that is unapproachable amount ever. For some - average amount, for some decent .
All depend.
hi mates
i have seen many experts whose sites are really great in traffic .can any one suggest how can i increase traffic of my site as well ?
Traffic is related to the niche. You can make money with limited traffic from e-commerce whereas millions of traffic won't bring same profits for News sites. Most people consider News sites to be an offline business and I don't think anyone here is into that mess. IMers are mostly into site flipping, affiliate marketing, CPA etc. It's difficult to get over a million views with these sites.
6 years back i built a website which received around 3,60,000 visitors/month
Did you mean 360,000 visitors/month or did you mean 3,600,000 visitors/month?
And are you really sure about those traffic figures (whichever you meant)?

Was it a lot of time, effort and money needed to get there?
Did you mean 360,000 visitors/month or did you mean 3,600,000 visitors/month?
And are you really sure about those traffic figures (whichever you meant)?

Was it a lot of time, effort and money needed to get there?
360,000 visitors/month.
It took 4 months to reach there.
I spent around $2000.
One of my websites had 600K visitors, 90% organic, a month during its peak in 18-19. This was a single-page website. It now gets only 90K UVs a month though.
Sorry I missed 6 years back...
Have you ever ranked a website in the Google Top 3 search results for a specific niche? (if i may ask)

One of my websites had 600K visitors, 90% organic, a month during its peak in 18-19. This was a single-page website. It now gets only 90K UVs a month though.
Why only for a month?
So you were not able to receive such traffic figures regularly over an extended period of time? i guess it must be very tough...
I only got like 80 dollars left in my pocket. You guys think its a good idea to open a website with the niche of movie streaming?
360,000 visitors/month.
It took 4 months to reach there.
I spent around $2000.
That's still an awesome, tremendous amount of monthly site visitors.
When you reached such traffic figures in the past, did you do it by buying webtraffic packages from various providers, so that it would collapse whenever stopping to buy them?

May i ask whether you still own that website and why the figures diminshed since 6 years ago, and for what reason(s)?
In case you don't own that website anymore, i'm honestly wondering, have you never considered building a new website with as much traffic and why not?
When i started that website there wasn't much competition on that particular niche.
Also at that time SEO used to be very easy.
Just building links.

I din't buy any traffic packages.
All the traffic is from Google search results.

I still own that website.
At that time i din't know much about how to manage websites.
I only know how to build websites which can generate tons of traffic and can earn through Adsense.
I din't kept backup of the website.

I installed a plugin and my website became dead slow.
I removed that plugin but my site was still slow.

I hired couple of guys from freelancer websites to correct the issue.
They were unable to do it.

To correct that issue i did few changes to the website and everything i did went wrong and i lost most of the traffic.

I did build new websites on the same niche.
But they din't gain much traffic due to more competition later on and also SEO became tough for me.