Has anyone else seen this pop-up message? Blocked from gaining followers


Dec 11, 2015
Reaction score
So I was mass following and one particular user, I cannot follow. a pop up comes up saying

"action not allowed
This account cannot be followed right now. We restrict certain content and actions to protect our community. Tell us if you think we have made a mistake."

i can follow anyone else but not this person and I'm not blocked. I noticed that user has like 250k followers and I'm thinking.. So it's possible to be blocked from gaining followers!?
Good question. There are quite a few people you are not allowed to follow. Even I'd like to know the reason.
It happened to me too. I couldn't like someone else's photo and got almost the same message. Weird.
250k did not block OP.
OP is saying the 250k is blocked from gaining followers.
I've gotten this before manually following/liking large numbers. Seems Instagram has been cracking down, depending on how much you've "gone over" it should allow you to resume normal use in the next 24-48 hours. At least that was the case for the 2 accounts I've had this happen to.

Something I will add, is that I noticed those particular accounts were very sensitive to over liking or following for a period of time after.
I've noticed some accounts i'm not able to follow, and i highly doubt i've been blocked by them since there's nothing that could relate us, could be the person is temp banned, i'm not sure what could cause this.