Happy Birthday to Zmoney!


Compromised Account
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
He turns 32 today, everyone. Make sure to wish him happy birthday!

(He's now a jr VIP. :D)
Thank you Marusia :) So nice of you......................... Means a lot too me. Don't know what to say.......

oh, I'm starting to feel old :cool:

Happy birthday old guy.
You're almost double my current age :P

Have a blast!
Seriously, the last thing I remember, I was 24 and not caring about a single thing. Now I drive 5 mph under the posted speed limit lol
Seriously, the last thing I remember, I was 24 and not caring about a single thing. Now I drive 5 mph under the posted speed limit lol

Enjoy yourself for the next 8 years. Then when you hit 40, move to the Philippines. You'll be 24 again.

I'm serious. :D