Halloween Costume Poll: Mr. T or Old Spice Commercial Man (which to go as)?


Regular Member
Nov 11, 2009
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I know it's pretty early to be thinking about it, but I usually like to somewhat start planning fairly early, so I can get all the bits and pieces I need in place.

Anyway, I'm deciding between these two costumes. I personally am leaning more towards Mr. T at the moment, but, the good thing about that costume is that it can be done any year (as no one is going to really forgot who Mr. T is). The Old Spice Commercial man might be pretty popular if I do it this year, but it's not something I could use any other year as it would be old/stale by then. Anyway, what does BHW think?
LOL M.A.D., that is EXACTLY what I think Old Spice Guy would say.

OP if your body is on point PLZ go with Old Spice Guy...he is more sexier looking than Mr T

And funnier.


Speaking of, I can't seem to find a solid $70 Stormtrooper costume in Adult Small. :(

Really dissapointed... It's 3 days after my 21st and I wanted to go out bar hopping/partying in a Stormtrooper costume. :(

I'd defintley go with the Old Spice Guy though. He's Legen-waitforit-dary. Legendary.

Mr. T not so much....
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Old spice for sure....but hey, old spice to meet girls and Mr. T to hang with da boys....
Lol M.A.D.. awesome post.

Here are a few pics of me:

Aside from me not being black, I'd say I look close enough to the Old Spice guy to pull it off. Was thinking of wearing this rather than just the towel:

I think that'll still get the idea across.

I still want to do Mr. T, but, the good thing about him is that he can be done any year. I feel like, after this year, Old Spice guy will be old news.