Dear BHW Mates!
First things first: when you read this post please remember that english is not my first language. I am from the little country next to germany ... LOL
Ok, so let's start! i hope this wasnt posted here before, if so, delete it please mods - thx in advance.
I think most of you know the website SitePal dot com where you can make freaky interactive videos with your own text (text to speech software included) which you can embed on your website to increase your sales. BUT this costs money!
Why not taking them for FREE and use them for VIDEO MARKETING in YouTube?
With my HACK you can resize them for a better quality on the videos. Here is what you need for this free Sitepal hack:
1) download free CamStudio software for the screencast videos
2) create a free fake email account, you don't want to get catched
then go to the Sitepal Demo website - code:
You have 999 characters free in the TTS (text to speech) Audio section. So let your avatar say whatever you want. Preview and save this scene.
Then you want to SEND this scene to your fake adress. there are 2 fields, so fill in your mailadress 2x.
you will receive your LINK where your scene is hosted in seconds straight to your fakemail. CLICK at this link and you will see what you have created. this link is valid for 14 days so you have enough time to make your video marketing videos.
and here is the HACK:
1) PRESS Ctrl + U to get the source code of this Sitepal Scene Page
2) then SEARCH for this 2 lines of code in the source code:
Where you can read REPLACEWITHYOURCODE there is your actual code from your Sitepal Scene.
How to resize?
In the 2nd line you will find the numbers (300,400,... - this is the SIZE of the scene. you can scale it up like you want ... 600,800 ... 1200,1600 ... and so on.
WRITE your lines of code in a .txt file and open a second.
now COPY this HTML code - this is your new scene website, but do not forget to replace my lines with your parameters.
html site:
there are also buttons to repeat and to stop your avatar inside the code! the easiest way is to put this into work when you replace the hole part of this line of code with your own code:
then start your camstudio software and make the video and you are DONE. Upload in youtube with a compelling title and a WOW description and do with that whatever you want TO EARN MONEY.
Enjoy kurti
PS: if you have any question please dont PM me - post it HERE that all mates can read it ... thx in advance
First things first: when you read this post please remember that english is not my first language. I am from the little country next to germany ... LOL
Ok, so let's start! i hope this wasnt posted here before, if so, delete it please mods - thx in advance.
I think most of you know the website SitePal dot com where you can make freaky interactive videos with your own text (text to speech software included) which you can embed on your website to increase your sales. BUT this costs money!
Why not taking them for FREE and use them for VIDEO MARKETING in YouTube?
1) download free CamStudio software for the screencast videos
2) create a free fake email account, you don't want to get catched
then go to the Sitepal Demo website - code:
Then you want to SEND this scene to your fake adress. there are 2 fields, so fill in your mailadress 2x.
you will receive your LINK where your scene is hosted in seconds straight to your fakemail. CLICK at this link and you will see what you have created. this link is valid for 14 days so you have enough time to make your video marketing videos.
and here is the HACK:
1) PRESS Ctrl + U to get the source code of this Sitepal Scene Page
2) then SEARCH for this 2 lines of code in the source code:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> AC_VHost_Embed_REPLACEWITHYOURCODE(300,400,'FFFFFF',1,1,2201373,2502426,0,0,'639a6a9c335257581020b9768b267ef2',6);
How to resize?
In the 2nd line you will find the numbers (300,400,... - this is the SIZE of the scene. you can scale it up like you want ... 600,800 ... 1200,1600 ... and so on.
WRITE your lines of code in a .txt file and open a second.
now COPY this HTML code - this is your new scene website, but do not forget to replace my lines with your parameters.
html site:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>BHW Sitepal WordPress Hack for Video Marketing</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> AC_VHost_Embed_REPLACEWITHYOURCODE(600,800,'FFFFFF',1,1,2201373,2502426,0,0,'639a6a9c335257581020b9768b267ef2',6);
<div id="buttonholderLeft">
<a href="javascript:void(replay(1))">
<img width="26" height="25" border="0" onmouseout="swapSrc(this,'/images/sendtofriend/btn_def_demoPg_play.jpg')" onmouseover="swapSrc(this,'/images/sendtofriend/btn_over_demoPg_play.jpg')" alt="repeat" src="/images/sendtofriend/btn_def_demoPg_play.jpg" />
<div id="buttonholderRight">
<a href="javascript:void(stopSpeech())">
<img width="26" height="25" border="0" onmouseout="swapSrc(this,'/images/sendtofriend/btn_def_demoPg_pause.jpg')" onmouseover="swapSrc(this,'/images/sendtofriend/btn_over_demoPg_pause.jpg')" alt="stop" src="/images/sendtofriend/btn_def_demoPg_pause.jpg" />
Enjoy kurti
PS: if you have any question please dont PM me - post it HERE that all mates can read it ... thx in advance