Got Paid Again With Rude... Keep In There Guys!

Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
So I know a bunch of guys here on BHW have stopped using Rude since the conversions suck tremendously but I have to say they seem to always pay on time. My last check fell at $642 after $8 deduction for direct deposit and this check at $292 after the $8. So in total Rude has paid me $934 on time every time.

Conversions still may suck but I would still stick in there and get at least 5-10 sign ups a day because it all adds up in the end since they actually pay. Don't cry a river because you can't make $50+ a day since $10 a day will make you $300 at the end of the month :)
That's junk to be honest. Learn a few cpa tactics and you could trump that earning quickly. Even some cpa dating offers similar to rude (amateurmatch) pay 3-4X as much.

Not trying to be a prick here, but really now...rude blows.
Thanks for an inspiring post.

Pewep, Come on now. Atleast OP is earning something!
True, i'm not trying to be a prick or anything. I'm just saying don't shortchange yourself. Grats to the OP.
Does AmateurMatch pay even if your joins don't convert? My traffic only converts into free joins and not paid. I can get 100 sign ups a day easily but this is the only company that hasn't really changed my plan to PPS.
Amateur pays on free join. I'm not sure what your conv% has to be but youtube and non super bh traffic should be fine. My am didn't give a fuk.
How long is the average check wait for us guys in the usa?
My AM emailed me about where I was getting traffic from so I told him a few things and the rest I didn't want to tell him cuz another AM stole my ideas just some bs.
Anyways he said good enough and been about 5 days now since cash out.
Not worried just curious how long average wait time was.
I cashed out at 12AM on the 14th and received it today. It depends on when you cash out. If you cash out at 11:59PM on the 14th then your at the end of the line. I am also doing direct deposit and spending $8 to get it a bit faster.
Not trying to step on toes, but I wouldn't waste a tremendous amount of time promoting
They will eventually copy your method, and ban you. Really foul business/website.

Being banned from Rude was the best thing that happened to my adult traffic. Now I'm actually getting some conversions.
Made about $450, then they reverted me to rev share.
I completely agree. Their site is pretty terrible in terms of quality but the checks have been steady and consistent for me. I don't even promote it anymore and it's still bringing in 5-10 signups per day. A few weeks of solid work and it will bring you a nice little income.
I will push them harder next month, i had nice time with yt and rude, now i need new traffic source