Google is like Jesus Christ in the Bible no doubt about it.The anti-christ if you will.So,if they are the biggest thing on the web and promote absolutely everything,why are we restricted by there services....The people who use there payed services are not restricted....Why....Because they are paying customers.Now Google offers a host of free services.Which ofcorse us rookies who don't want to spend anything at first take advantage of.Awsome right?Hell no...If Google promotes everything on the web,why are us useing free methods being screwed?Well,because when you use Googles free methods and you start getiing some good traffic,they will shut you down....Why?Because your not a paying customer.....Why are they going to pay out money to a high traffic free service when they get 3 times as much from somebody using Adwords.It's something to think about and has happened to many people....Leave your feedback.
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