Google is giving away PR 1 for Blogspot blog?

Snail White Cream

Regular Member
Jan 19, 2014
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Hi Mates, ;)

I created 2 blogspot blogs around 2-3 years ago. Created some contents which does not have SEO optimization and KW at all. But, Google has offered me PR 1 for both blogspot blogs. Do you think Google gave me PR 1 due to age domain ?

i dont think so like that. your content so"unique" so that only your blogs got reach.
Try to make more content like that you still stay on PR 1.
That is very nice to hear. Do you think, I can make Backlinks to new blog from those two PR1 blogs?

i dont think so like that. your content so"unique" so that only your blogs got reach.
Try to make more content like that you still stay on PR 1.
Stop with this PR. Pagerank means nothing anymore and you must understand this. Right now only google knows the pagerank. And and the pagerank you see in the 'toolbar' is not accurate and means NOTHING!
I've used to get PR4 for my blogspot after few months. That's time I'm using a dot tk domain.
Another of my blogspot using .info domain also get PR3 for a few months :)
The toolbar PR you see is outdated and doesn't really mean much. It hasn't been updated in a long while. In any case, if you got a PR1 on it, it probably means some other page/site probably linked to you at one point, whether externally or internally. There's no guarantee that the link is still there, or that the blog is still a PR1. A better approach would be to check what kind of links the blog has.

i dont think so like that. your content so"unique" so that only your blogs got reach.
Try to make more content like that you still stay on PR 1.

Please learn a bit more about PR before giving advice.
i don't think google is giving away PR.Google is almost drop down the concept of traditional page rank.Still,you go making more quality links back to your blog and you can keep your minimum PR.
I'm testing a PR1 blogspot using custom domain a month ago. People said it's dead but.... Yeah its f***** dead. :cow04:
Thanks for your advice. I dont know much about PR. I know a little and I'm sure I learned it correctly.

I didnt say that content is the only reason for getting PR 1 form Google. It may be the reason along with its age. Ofcourse, PR is nothing now - TF, Domain Authority and other factors have taken the importance in ranking long ago.

PR is still possible without backlinks - It doesnt need to have backlinks (extrenally or internally) to get PR 1 - And she mentioned that she posted only few contents so I guess there could not be any internal backlinks. No one would give a backlink to free blogspot blog. So the reason for PR 1 could be of either content or age or both. I'm not opposing your statement like no links are there for the site, there might be external links.

And I know bit about PR but yes, I ll learn more. Thanks again for your advice.

The toolbar PR you see is outdated and doesn't really mean much. It hasn't been updated in a long while. In any case, if you got a PR1 on it, it probably means some other page/site probably linked to you at one point, whether externally or internally. There's no guarantee that the link is still there, or that the blog is still a PR1. A better approach would be to check what kind of links the blog has.

Please learn a bit more about PR before giving advice.
I use SEOquake to see it PR. Actually I have three blogspot blogs where Google gave those 3 blogs PR 1

Blog 1: PR 1 , Google Index 38, L:76, LD: 76, Bing Index: 3, Age: May 15, 2013
Blog 2: PR 1, Google Index 639, L:19 LD:20, Bing Index: 471, Age: Oct 11, 2011
Blog 3: PR 1, Google Index 145, L:13 LD: 36, Bing Index: 421 Age: March 7, 2013

Those three blogs PR 1
Google doesn't give away PR. The only sites that get it are the ones that deserve it. Toolbar PR is pretty much worthless now.
First time to hear these things and never thought Google had a PR 1 for blogspots. It is purely dead and PR algorithms will nothing show up in SERP.
Did you created one more blog and seen whether it is pr1 or not?
I had same with utube, I think it could be internal links. For example, your blogs are linked from other blogs... :)
First time to hear these things and never thought Google had a PR 1 for blogspots. It is purely dead and PR algorithms will nothing show up in SERP.
Did you created one more blog and seen whether it is pr1 or not?

I use SEOquake tool to see the PR. I have many more blogspot blogs but I do not see PR 1 in any of other blogs but these three in particular produced me PR 1.
I had same with utube, I think it could be internal links. For example, your blogs are linked from other blogs... :)

had some contents but never done any link building or never done SEO optimization
Might be Age domain for getting PR 1
First time to hear these things and never thought Google had a PR 1 for blogspots. It is purely dead and PR algorithms will nothing show up in SERP.
Did you created one more blog and seen whether it is pr1 or not?

I have come across millions of blogger blogs. but there are some of them have PR 2-4 for blogspot blogs. Not all of those millions of Blogspot blogs PR but some only