Google Dance In The Last 24 Hours

one of my site traffic increasing and some other going down, does any one else experience the same thing?

Probably part of the latest algo.
it sucks that G update never ends, how many times has the G update rolled since the last few months.
Google is releasing updates left, right and center. The change is inevitable.
Obviously it will increases once or decreases once based on Google updates..
Not new sites, I presume?

My own favorite saying (I myself created this quote - so CC myself - Fred) "Google dances when it is happy and slaps when it is angry".

Hope this is a dance and not a slap for some reason (algo update, your backlink profile update etc.).
NOt much oscillation for my site. Staying stable.
Impressions plummeted within last 4 days on my end
hopefully recover and back to normal