Google confirms: Never use AMR on your money site

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Senior Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
First of all I like AMR and I think it's a great tool. However I have proof now that using AMR directly on your money site is not recommended (at all).

Short story: a few weeks ago 4 of my sites were penalized and I made a reconsideration request on all 4 of them. Of course they are were rejected so I have written them again with more details. Few days ago they finally replied me (this is the first reply from google in 5 years :D).

Here is part of the email I got from them:
"Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. (...) 
To illustrate how these articles could apply to you [they mean google quality guidelines], here are examples of pages that contain inorganic links to your site: [COLOR="Red"][they posted examples from which one is an AMR article][/COLOR]"

They tend to be really helpful now. They post links and even the anchor text. I replied them again and they answered within 72h.

I decided not to post a screenshot of this email because I am still trying to recover my rankings and I don't want them to know that I am sharing this info here.

Hope this helps. If yes press Thanks.
It's not only AMR, it's all "unnatural" (ie., self-made links). Web 2.0 tiers, blog comments, articles.. It's actually really obvious, even more so for them as they check for such every day.

Best you can do is hope that Google doesn't review it, or if they do, let it pass.

Also, in US and some other countries you can also target Bing and get 30%+ market share and wealthier demographics. It's worse if you're doing local seo in a country where 99% of people use Google :P
Negative SEO Tip for the Day:
AMR blast all your competitors' sites and they'll be penalized! :D

To reduce a risk of a footprint, did you:
- Use quality spun content?
- Spin title, bio, signature, links?

Apart from the 4 penalized sites, do you have others that you used AMR on, that weren't penalized?

There's some good AMR tips by jascoken here:
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its unnatural links... not AMR :) if u blast with amr, then u should have have 100% relevant article and closely related category.. by this way link will look natural.. i dont think using amr with related article will kick ur site...
Thank you FrozenSpade for sharing this, this confirms what I've been suspecting that most of the current linkbuilding methods are a waste of time and energy.
Did you spam the same article on allot of sites ?
Well, have never heard about that, many of my sites rank on the first page of google with this kind of backlinks. If all those seo methods useless, how could ones promote their websites? Just cannot believe that at the moment, wait until there are other reports. It's true if you create loads of unusual backlinks with this method.
I can confirm... my site dropped from top 20 to 300+ after amr blast.
I blasted to PR 1 and above sites only with more than 80 percent health...
If this is true, then G has handed us on a platter a tool to achieve #1 rankings easily. Just blast whoever is ahead of you...
Did you by any chance ONLY use AMR blasts directly to your money sites?
Yeah, something about this doesn't seem right. As another member said, this would cause havoc as everyone could just nail eachothers sites out of the SERPs.
"they posted examples from which one is an AMR article"

What were the other links they sent? These type of articles do look crap, and not natural if you were to actually read some of them.
Strange because I do it all the time and never got slapped.

Are AMR links the only source your backlinks come from? No web 2.0, no blog comments, no bookmarks? Then maybe that's the problem.

Tbh I don't believe anything google said. Call me paranoid, but I always got a feeling that they misinform people intentionally. And it makes sense. They clearly don't want us to know what improves rankings and what not.
Where in the article did you put the link? I don't think it was the tool but how it was used. If you don't weld where the 2 pieces of metal come together, it's not the fault of the welder that they do not stick together.
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I think we need more details before we can place the blame on AMR or posting links to your money site in articles in general.

Was it the same article?
What is unique?
Was is readable content?
Directories and AMR should be OK, right ?
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