Good alternatives to online ads, like Google AdSense and Adsterra?


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2024
Reaction score
So for some reason google isn't accepting my website for ads and I'm getting huge complaints about malware when using Adsterra.

Are there any high cpm adsense websites online that are good?

I've already trying to get Galaksion to work but they cant find the html in my header :(
The problem usually is your wordpress theme if you are using one. Try to change theme.
Adsterra are awful. I’m still trying to get them to delete my account.
if you have Tier 1 , 2 or 3 Traffic with 500K minimum monthly visitor , then upgrade your account to jr vip here and start selling banner ads and promotional guest posting service on the BHW marketplace, with this your site will be safe and clean and your revenue will grow day by day .
Depends on your traffic. You can try ValueImpression or Mediavine. But Adsense is king, you will probably not find better CPM than what Adsense has. If they're not accepting your site, you should have a look at Adsense approval services, these could help you get approved.
So for some reason google isn't accepting my website for ads and I'm getting huge complaints about malware when using Adsterra.

Are there any high cpm adsense websites online that are good?

I've already trying to get Galaksion to work but they cant find the html in my header :(

Adsense is getting stricter every day and lately it penalizes publishers often without any explanation. From my experience, I recommend you start using AdMaven, an Ad Network that accepts all types of websites so you can avoid getting these issues. Additionally, most campaigns in AdMaven are in cpm.