[Give Away] Scrape Box Blast 1000 Backlinks to the First 20 Takers.


Regular Member
Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Kickbacking back listening to The Smiths on KFOG via the PC and missing the West Coast.

Set me in a giving mood so here's the deal.
I will do a free SB Blast for up to 1000 backlinks for free for 20 of my Black Friends. Don't know how many will stick, but I do my best.

Here what you need to do.

PM me the following:
I. The web address of the site you want to Blast.
2. The keywords you want to use, up to 20 total.
3. 3 to 5 comments you want posted from the Blast.

I'm only doing this my PM, if your new to BHW and can't PM yet have a friend PM me on your behave. Having a ton of email will not work for me.
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Thanks buddy,i'm happy,pm sent.and yes,you're doing one big job.thanks for this.
I need one :D... PM sent.. comment also sent
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Your in and thanks for the Thank You.
9 Down
11 Left
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