Getting sick of this mac I have


Regular Member
Jan 20, 2009
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Hello everybody,

I am a mac user and I have a question for all the mac users on blackhatworld. How do you deal with it? I personally need many programs to run my business (like twitter friend adder, blog commenter, alexabooster, etc). All these programs run only on Windows. I do have another laptop that runs on Windows but it is a pain in the ass to work at 2 different laptops.

So, what do you use? What's the solution? I know there was something called Parallel blabla. I tried it but damn, it works very very slow.
Is your mac capable of booting 2 OS? you can install windows on it if you want to..or you are really a avid mac user then you can install a windows emulator for it. It will be just like a program.
Why don't you just install Virtual PC and run Windows within OS X? You could also install Windows on another partition through Bootcamp and restart on Windows. (If it is an Intel Processor.)
I cant understand the advantage of having a mac only to run a windows operating system on it? I know they used to have better video/graphics capabilities and the viruses were virtually non existent but whats the point if you cant run any of the software downloads on it, I think pcs have also caught up in terms of graphics etc.
I posted something similar a few weeks ago. It is very frustrating when you are a Mac user, I have a Windows desktop next to me that I use for the black hat stuff. There are advantages to this, mainly I can let everything run over there without affecting what I am doing on my Mac. Right now I have friendblaster pro adding friends and itunes downloading music.

Go out and buy like a $300 desktop and use that for your black hat stuff, it is the best advice I can give you.
use virtual box it's free and work like a charm :) you can have mac os x running and windows running in same time :D
I work with my macbook for over 3 years already and it seems to be getting better and better than when i first bought it.

I've never looked back at pc ever again. However, I agree with you about the bh softwares that are only compatible with windows. You can just simply add rams to your mac and run vmware or parallels along side with your mac. And when you want to run something more resource consuming eg. xrumer, you can reboot into windows very simply.

I plan on buying a new macbook pro with plenty of ram 4gig or more, with this, i can go anywhere with it(since the battery will be able to stay for very long time), and also have 2 OS working at the same time.

Here are the lists of software you would need.
1.VMware fusion for mac, so that you can run windows at the same time as running mac. you can also use parallels, but i recommend vmware.
2.built in bootcamp, its already there, try searching bootcamp assistant
3.macdrives, so that you can access the mac hd from your windows.

I usually prefer to install windows into bootcamp first and then let vmware use that installed windows to boot windows and mac simultaneously. This is because if you install windows in vmware first, im not sure if you can use that same installed disk for the bootcamp one.

Also, one thing to be aware of, when access files from mac through windows, you should be careful about the virus, since there are virus on your mac, which are harmful to your windows.

I just cant go back to windows, I friggin hate it when you get those unexplainable errors, and the user interface is just lacking.

Well, i dont think im biased in anyway, cause at the end of the day, no one OS has everything you want.

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions
I don't understand what the issue is. I run VMware with XP Pro and I have no problems. I give it 2GB of ram and both my processors and it makes windows on a pc look amusingly slow, even with OSX running behind it.

Seriously. It just makes no sense to me? Download vmware from some warez site, download xp, install, everything works sweet. There's no need for a pc.
Parallels in coherence mode. You have windows running right in sync with os x. If you have never used it, its probably the dopest thing you will ever use.

Bootcamp as well.

If you do not have an intel mac, then not sure.

I write my own programs in objective c, learn to program if you want to keep using mac.

keyboard maestro is a good marco recording utility.

Or, ditch your mac and buy a pc.
I use VMWare Fusion if I absolutely have to boot into Windows. That said, I do just fine financially without Windows and don't think I'd ever switch back.