Getting lots of traffic, should be high converting, $0 made


Junior Member
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Hey everyone,
I have a website that uses a CPA script, where the user is searching for a key term, and I offer that key term to them, after they fill out a CPA offer and confirm it, then I give them there download link. I clear the referrer with a double meta refresh, so I cant get in trouble for it being incentivized. I have already had about 100 visits to this page, and this SHOULD be fairly high converting, considering its exactly what there looking for and its still free, but I have gotten no conversions. Is this just a shit idea, bad luck or do you not think the conversation rate will be as high as I expect?
100 visits isnt really enough to start throwing in the towell i think you need more like 1000 to assess it properly, make sure your aff link is correct and set up properly or just fill in the offer yourself with a proxie and see if your credited, the cpa might just be scrubbing your leads?
make sure you don't have a high conversion rate. it should low like in the single digits. Send some cheap traffic to that same double meta refresh link just to mix in with the good traffic.
100 visits isnt really enough to start throwing in the towell i think you need more like 1000 to assess it properly, make sure your aff link is correct and set up properly or just fill in the offer yourself with a proxie and see if your credited, the cpa might just be scrubbing your leads?

your account would be banned
try to hire some one to help you

Are you sure the tracking stats are updating regularly?
they might say it :) also are you sure they dont need to fill out the 2nd page ? does your traffic show at network stats but only leads no ?
100 visitors may be low but 1000 is probably more than enough to get reliable performance data. Many times the idea that looks good on paper, just doesn't pan out in the real world.
I think its the amount of traffic I am getting in general. I have no idea how to draw mass amounts of traffic to things like "watch TV online", or "watch this show online"