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Getting crypto ads approved on Reddit Ads


Junior Member
May 30, 2009
Reaction score
I tried submitting my ads for a crypto website on Reddit Ads, but it gets rejected because the topic is on crypto.

Is there a way around this to get my ads approved? I am only interested in advertising my crypto website to one specific subreddit.
You'll have to use different wording, creatives, .. to bypass their compliance.
You can not actract the audience without the words

You have to somehow workaround their ad rules. What you can do for example is collect leads by running whitehat on the front-end and then when you grab their email/numbers you can message them with your full-on aggressive campaign. This way, you won't be limited by Reddit. E-mail/SMS is the wild west.
Try to rewrite and reconstruct your ads while making sure that you play by their rules
Just an FYI - Redditads is almost useless unless you’re using it only for branding or you have an incredibly wholesome feel-good story.
I see crypto ads in reddit all the time. There must be a way