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Aug 10, 2009
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Isn't "Radio Shack" a trade name & a registered trademark??

Check this before you dive -->
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and get your lawyer on the phone, too. so when you get sued for infringement you'll have someone to talk to about your legal woes. :D :D :D
Thanks srb888
I read the entire doc you posted. Was awesome.

Law is a hobby of mine and I am a quasi-expert in matters of copyright,
not so I can know how far to bend it, but rather so I know how to
protect myself and can advise other of same rights though not to
the extent of practicing law.

Mind you some years back when a bunch of lawyers in my region were
sued due to a land survey company naming them all in a copyright infringement
suit relative to their photocopying and distributing copies of survey drawings to
banks, homeowners, real estate agents, insurance companies which had gone on
for about 20 years wihtou additional fees to the creator of those works...

I was contacted ( almost thought I was dreaming ) by one of the lawyers on
behalf of the rest and asked what to do about it. lol I almost sh*t myself.
This was back in about 2000, but in 98 I had written a fairly extensive
report on copyright law and part of it was published without my permission
by a local business magazine!!! The law firm I hired were obviously perplexed by
not only the idiosy of that act, and the two lawyers working the case
admitted that they did about 2 days on basic copyright in school and
that matters of that nature were beyond them I basically now have
free legal advice whenever I want it by 22 law firms in my area. lol

I did however get them off by getting the whole thing thrown out of Court
by realizing and then making notice on the one flaw in the plaintiff's complaint.

Thanks again for your posting of that great article. I will explore that site more, too!
yea.... ahh i would but i dont like court and really hate being sued. your welcome to register them though if you want to though.
this is not great advice .. now i now you are new but are you trying to get someone in trouble with this kind of advice...its a stupid thing to sugest going up against deep pockets and break copyright laws....whoever does this will be sued...not a doubt in my mind.good luck in court.
what about a blog with the same name? can they sue me? like if i had and had links to rips of the movie which were hosted on megaupload?? CAN THEY GET ME?
So Im just about to press buy at godaddy on rs org. THen I come back to the thread and read the @letter: lulz..hmm Im gunna hunt for that 1.99 code I saw in here 2day....I think Ill buy it and put like a @shocking Tube@ equivalant on it...Lulz!

You could just as easily register the domain and hosting using a VCC that doesn't have your real info on it, and you are all set. Don't have to worry about getting sued because the person does not exist. You could also get because that is still available.
Thanks srb888
I read the entire doc you posted. Was awesome.

Law is a hobby of mine and I am a quasi-expert in matters of copyright,
not so I can know how far to bend it, but rather so I know how to
protect myself and can advise other of same rights though not to
the extent of practicing law.

Mind you some years back when a bunch of lawyers in my region were
sued due to a land survey company naming them all in a copyright infringement
suit relative to their photocopying and distributing copies of survey drawings to
banks, homeowners, real estate agents, insurance companies which had gone on
for about 20 years wihtou additional fees to the creator of those works...

I was contacted ( almost thought I was dreaming ) by one of the lawyers on
behalf of the rest and asked what to do about it. lol I almost sh*t myself.
This was back in about 2000, but in 98 I had written a fairly extensive
report on copyright law and part of it was published without my permission
by a local business magazine!!! The law firm I hired were obviously perplexed by
not only the idiosy of that act, and the two lawyers working the case
admitted that they did about 2 days on basic copyright in school and
that matters of that nature were beyond them I basically now have
free legal advice whenever I want it by 22 law firms in my area. lol

I did however get them off by getting the whole thing thrown out of Court
by realizing and then making notice on the one flaw in the plaintiff's complaint.

Thanks again for your posting of that great article. I will explore that site more, too!

Thats rad man. Good on ya!

Its weird that a biz pub would steal your shit though...

Super strange. How did you get to the level of being an expert on copywriting? Sounds interesting...
what about a blog with the same name? can they sue me? like if i had and had links to rips of the movie which were hosted on megaupload?? CAN THEY GET ME?

WOW! You make me laugh! Do you know how lawyers work? The gig companies hire them simply to catch such people and make them an example to others on what happens if the big companies are provoked...

They will make you win in the smaller courts and then appeal against the verdict so that they can take you to the highest courts. They pay the top lawyers and can cover the expenses of higher courts and long-term legal battles. They may lose, but you stand the biggest chance of losing everything that you have. BTW, both ways they WIN. They get special attention in NEWS, and this also works out to be a fraction of their advertisement budget! Great way of going one-up on their competitors too by being in top news everyday! :D (Thank God, they will go very soft on you first and may be real merciful... at least initially.)

Can you withstand that kind of onslaught? So if you cannot handle trouble, don't trouble trouble. Let the people who really know what they are doing and also know how to win handle such things.

@ OP: At least don't advice raw newcomers to do things that you are afraid to do yourself first. See what your advice is leading newbies to do without understanding the outcome... :D Billlga*tes . com, down-load-every-micr*osoft-product-here . com, and mic*rosoft-pacific-region . com are also available... do you want those? I will say that you're going to be very (in)famous soon if you buy those and go live! Other guys, my advice to the OP here is to deter him from giving you all any such advice that can land you in big legal trouble in future.

(Disclaimer and warning: The company names mentioned in this post are mentioned in good faith so that no-one else should go after these type of 'controlled' domain names and get sued in return by the real companies who own the copyright, trademark, etc. etc. etc... :) Thank you all!)
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