[GET NOW] 50 Twitter accounts for free or 1000 for interesting suggestions


Junior Member
Jan 15, 2010
Reaction score
Giveaway status: PAUSED
50 pack of 61 accounts each given away (3000 accounts total)
best of luck to all the users. Giveaway of 50 accs is OVER for now, best of luck for your earnings.

If you want to apply for a 1000 accs or more packs you cam still message mem best regards

As title say, i have a big reserve of twitter accounts unverified and at the rate that i actually use will take 6 months for me to use all :)

if you want 50 accounts post here in the threads and i will pm you a link where to download your account file. only 1 pack for each user.

If you want 1000 accounts (worth 40$) i'm looking for targeting ideas/landing page already built for convert traffic or general suggestions about conversion. so pm me if you have some interesting to offer to me (or pm me an IM contact), and i will gladly send you a pack of 1000 accs or more.

additional info:

Ok, i want to state a thing.
For the people that try to qualify for 1000 accounts, i don't need information like build a website, put ads, ecc
i don't need neither information about how to get traffic or followers.

I want specifically keyword target already tested that convert on twitter, already made landing page optimized for a specifical offer, and also general advice but related to this topics.

I can offer from 1000 to unlimited accounts for valuable information on this matter.


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I'm so happy,so i can now get free 50 twitter accounts?great!.wow,sending pm right away.
I would love to have 50 accounts.
If you have a lot of twitter accounts, if you want to promote general freebie offers, try to get followers from more popular sources like Kim Kardashian or something. You'll get followers that probably do not know too much about the internet and you could manipulate tweets to be towards a celeb and have a content locker that they must fill out to see the information or watch the video.
Also, you should organize your twitter accounts into separate niches so that you can promote certain offers and say things related to the niche to entice your users. It would help increase conversion rate.
i can send a pm every 60 sec, so no more request pls until i say i have done the previous.

When you receive the accounts, if you want, let other know :)