[GET] Instant Message Cash FREE - New tool to market on Instant Message Networks

This is great. Just what we had been looking for, for a while now!

Can it send a file at a certain spot in the script ?
hello i have uploaded all the things needed logins comeup messages get sent but then nothing happens is it working properly wat goes into the profile settings please and wat is the buddy section for
hello i have uploaded all the things needed logins comeup messages get sent but then nothing happens is it working properly wat goes into the profile settings please and wat is the buddy section for

I have uploaded some tutorial videos and some help videos on the site as well on this thread, have a look at them.

Buddy Section is for sending add requests to buddies you provide as a text file.
i have followed the video and the instructions, everything loads up fine the files i mean i get the usernames logged in only a few, and then nothing i wait for ages for someone to acknowledge the sign in and nothing else happens mate. I am running a 512 ram, pentium 4 cpu 2.80ghs, acer aspire rc500 its our old computer as our new one the hard drive blew up i am running xp service pack 3 on it adsl modem i have played and loaded other programs up on it okay so i am wondering wat could be happening please help me thanks i have followed everything i am aware of .
and what is the button 1 for on the layout is it the same setup as wat is in video as the usernames come up quick and it shows people starting to chat to you quickly.

has anybody else tried this program and are having trouble please, any help and comments will be great thanks or some feedback asap as i want to use this for an idea i have !:D
This is the latest updated version of the tool



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hello just downloaded it and a activation form just popped up its asking me for a license key and user name, password etc what do i put in there? thanks
hello just downloaded it and a activation form just popped up its asking me for a license key and user name, password etc what do i put in there? thanks

I have updated the download, it doesnot require the license now.
It seems this bot relies on people messaging you first. How do people who are making money with this get people to message them in the first place?
It seems this bot relies on people messaging you first. How do people who are making money with this get people to message them in the first place?

It doesn't rely only on people messaging the bot. It has a script as well which starts sending IMs to people online in your friends list and follow a script/AI pattern of communication to start the chat.
oh, okay, I didn't realize that. How do you harvest people for a friends list?
oh, okay, I didn't realize that. How do you harvest people for a friends list?

harvest emails of the internet targeted to your specific niche. :)

e.g. forums, social networks.

search the forum theres loads of examples on how to and what software to use :)
-=EMAILS BEWARE=- THE PROGRAM DONT WORK, the sale page anctualy is a download page, does it "fake in it" on the video with a "chat" ? who knows

its only connect to mySQL db, and maybe they get our emails with this way!
i dont have time to search it, so wacth out...

hey newbie dude fix this crap and give some proves..
Thanks, will check it right now

Updates will be automatically?
And this is life time license?