{GET} How To Blank Referrer With iFrame


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2008
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I have tested this to the most of my ability but please could someone that has more experience in the area confirm that this works.

What these files do is allow you to have an iFrame on your black hat site and make your affiliate manager think it is coming from your white hat site. If the iFrame contains a form that your affiliate manager doesnt allow to be iFramed it doesn't matter because when the user clicks submit the referrer that is passed on is that of the landing page that you are iFraming so your AM thinks that you are simply sending visitors to the landing page.

Download the files here:
http://www.thisismyrevenge.com/Blank Referrer With iFrame.rar

There is probably no need for 4 redirects but all I know is that it works this way and it loads fast :D

Please click the thanks button. Not sure why, just makes me happy :P
Gimme, if you're using that script on your main domain, you have more work to do.

It's broken in FF3. Just showing empty frames.

thought you'd like to know.
Thanks for the reply scubaslik, just realised i accidentaly forgot to change a file back while editing
Just sorted out my version, will reuplaod correct files after I have given a mate a lift, soz for any delays
sounds nice , looking forward to the uploaded update.

say gimme, what a nice, clean design ... are the pics actually revealed once the webcam offer is submitted? have u configured that part somehow? thnx.
Thanks 10Kay, no the pics aren't revealed when the offer is completed, can't figure that one out. But when the user gets to the video part (I havnt yet done this) I am going to display an email submit so they type in their email to get the video and they will automatically be sent a link and also be added to my personal mailing list :D
Just redoing the readme to make sure its correct and adding this bit:

PS. In sponsor1.html you can edit whereabouts the iFrame is shown
 e.g. You can auto scroll to the zip submit form and make the iframe smaller
 so all the user can see is the submit your ZIP bit so you could tell then that
 they are signing up for anything!!!

I think thats a pretty cool feature that you can use!!!
Sorry for the delay, here's the correct files with instructions in the README and further instructions in the files. PS. delete the <--instruction--> tags after if it's not working, Ive never used them before, it shouldn't cause a problem though:


PS. Anyone know why when I click quick reply it just goes to normal reply? Pain in the ass, is it javascript?
Thanks for the script!

But it seems like it takes AGES for the offer to finally load in the frame......

Anyone else getting the same?
Ill clean it up a bit in the morning, getting late now, was just in testing stages when I uploaded, I can get rid of a few of the files now and will be the same results.
Ah cool that sounds great!

Since they see the "checkoutoursponser.php" page as a refere we should make a dummy landing page in that to go around the iframe. Also, are you even allow to iframe an offer? as thats what they are going to see when checking out the referer....
Changing the script now. At the moment I have it setup so that if they try to visit the index.php that we are iframing they will be redirected as I have stopped allowing direct traffic, basically, there must be a referrer to this page which will be the page that you have the iframe capture on. Also going to add so that checkoutoursponsor.php must be referred by sponsor3.php or it will redirect. They will eventually email you saying why cant we see where your advertisement is etc so just add a link to a whitehat site that links directly to checkoutoursponsor.php and have that on the referrer safelist so it'll redirect to their site. I think this is a safe method, if I am wrong please correct me, also they will ask why dont you direct link? I like to hide my affiliate networks so my competition don't steal it, I am sure that would be enough for them to believe you?
hmm sounds better but it I think it would make them suspicious

but still were getting there :)
Nearly done, having trouble with 1 part, not sure if this is possible or not but if anyone knows please help. I want to have the offer so the referring page must be from my own domain but instead of a redirect like the one in the code below I would like to echo the iFrame instead else redirect to homepage. Anyone know if this is possible? If anyone could help out would be great:

	$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
	if($referer == "")
		echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.10roostersmedia.com">";
		echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=INSTEAD OF URL I WANT IFRAME TO BE ECHOED">";	

So basically if there is no referrer they will not be able to see the iFrame and if there is a referrer the iFrame will show.

Would prefer to have it as if referrer = 10roostersmedia.com then display iframe and else echo homepage if anyone could help :)
hmm not really sure what you mean by "INSTEAD OF URL I WANT IFRAME TO BE ECHOED"

Could you explain again please :)
when you echo a URL it redirects to that URL. Instead of echo URL I want to echo content. The content would be an iFrame
Ah so you want it. IF referer = my site show iframe. if not, dont?

Ive got code for that already ;)

The site needs to be in sections, like top middle bottom




So you would need a bit in the middle. IF referer = mydomain else.

I dont know much about code so im only using smart guesses and a bit of VBA knolegdge.

That bit of code is from the free Viral Script here. Thanks to that person (cant remember name right now)