[GET] Free Sex 100% Any Time you want!


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2010
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WARNING - The clip contains some youtube friendly nudity.

Been watching some NGC docs when came to this interesting one about prostitution.

I know its a touchy subject for some so mods do what you gotta do where you see fit.

If you want to find out HOW TO GET FREE SEX LEGALLY AND FOR FREE ANY TIME YOU WANT WATCH THE VIDEO FROM 40:00 min. into the video.


In short, there is a webmaster that has a hotel where the punters get to have free sex, but they have to agree to being aired on the internet (Live).

If that friend of yours "yourself" ? :p
I am not a brothel person :D; I prefer a strip club. Great music, comfortable chairs / sofas, nice atmosphere and naked ladies. Nonetheless I'd prefer a less "rotten" lady even if I had to get filmed doing the deed!
Not a bad business model at all. Those girls get $50k/year, wonder what that site is raking in.
Dude is Crazy to be kissing these Ho's!

Did they forget what those lips have been wrapped around! LOL
Dude is Crazy to be kissing these Ho's!

Did they forget what those lips have been wrapped around! LOL

Unless you're dating a virgin, chances are her lips have wrapped around something at some point.

Also the guys they showed going to that brothel didn't exactly look like they could afford to be too picky :D
Goddamnit! I had this idea but never had the balls to do it! I bet it works amazingly. Just imagine he gets his porn filmed for free and gets huge exposure. Proof to everyone here that a good idea is only worth it's weight in implementation...
Goddamnit! I had this idea but never had the balls to do it! I bet it works amazingly. Just imagine he gets his porn filmed for free and gets huge exposure. Proof to everyone here that a good idea is only worth it's weight in implementation...

It's a huge industry, not too late to start.

Although essentially this is like a couples cam site, except only the girl gets paid. You could argue cam business is already saturated, but you could compete on lower expenses + interesting concept/voyeuristic aspect will sure to attract a certain clientele.
You're absolutely right! I'm just a lil miffed that I didn't do it when I thought of it lol ;)

It's a huge industry, not too late to start.

Although essentially this is like a couples cam site, except only the girl gets paid. You could argue cam business is already saturated, but you could compete on lower expenses + interesting concept/voyeuristic aspect will sure to attract a certain clientele.
You're absolutely right! I'm just a lil miffed that I didn't do it when I thought of it lol ;)

I know what you mean, but at the same time there's alot of research that shows that first to market advantage is overrated, and in many times fast followers overtake first to market companies, learning from their mistakes.

This is an excellent article on this phenomenon btw (if you don't know who Don Dodge is, look him up, he's a big deal in Silicon Valley).
Quite interesting documentary..

But personally I wouldn't want to broadcast my ass on the internetz xD