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[GET] FREE 100+ Elite And 750+ Anonymous Proxies Every Hour!


Regular Member
Mar 8, 2010
Reaction score

I have some stuffs in pipeline and this is the first one among them.

Currently I am setting up a system for providing proxies for a charge. I have tested this and need some friends who can TEST this service before it goes live.

I will send 100+ Elite And 750+ Anonymous Proxies Every Hour starting 01:30 PM EST to 08:30 PM EST

This will help you to grab always fresh proxies from the list I provide.

You can use these proxies for anything where proxy is needed.

For getting this to be done please PM me your e-mail id.

I intend to test with first 10 guys/gals who PM me.

PM sent to all, Those who sent e-mail id will receive some 100+ elite proxies in 30 minutes to 1 hr
Check your inbox/SPAM

No more FREE copies here :)
Could I get in on this? I dont have enough posts to PM so you could you PM me with your email?

It would be appreciated! I need the proxies for SB commenting!

Thanks in advance!
PM sent.

This sounds better than hunting for public lists in the morning that are all useless by the end of the day.
Hey, please check your e-mails, I just sent out the first test run. (only those who sent out PMs some 45 minutes before will get this)

Check your spam folder too.

For others please wait another 30 minutes you will get your list :)
just sent you a pm hopefully under the first 10

damn just seen i missed out!!.
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@http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackhat-seo/members/100228-owlpic.html Do i get some proxies? Just curious because i posted just before you said no more free copies :puppy_dog

EDIT: YAY! THAAANKS! :shocked:
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Received the first list of proxies, ran through a test most are working well, and pretty fast, about to test with scrape box and will give another review.
There are goblins in my inbox - didn't even go to the spam folder, will check it out in a few minutes :)
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It looks like most of the proxies on the first list are Codeen network proxies - could be good for some stuff, but not scrapebox etc.