Get Article Pro - Scrape High Quality Articles in Just Minutes!

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Where do we get the addons please?
That sounds very interesting.

Enjoy ..... :cool2:

Update it through the program ;)

My Review:

This is definitely a very easy program to use. I tested it on a Windows 7 64-bit and was able to run it flawlessly. Not only did it not have any problems scraping articles (with keyword in content and title) but it's super fast :)

I was able to scrape 50 articles in less than 50 seconds using 2 threads :)

The new add-on's are very very very helpful. It will definitely help you make your articles more unique. For the price of $57, it's definitely worth it and I predict that the future updates will make this program under-priced.

I highly recommend this to anyone who needs to get contest fast because this program does just that without any problems :)

Well srb888 has cornered the market on reviews with his extremely
most EXCELLENT review above so about all I can say is I agree with
everything he said and a lot of what he forgot to say and everything
he is thinking about saying! :thumb:

This thing is so fast it will scare you although I got it throttled back
because I'm in no particular hurry and don't want to get blocked, etc.

Highly recommend Get Article Pro and if you're on the fence about it,
just get it!

You won't regret it!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :yield:

Enjoy ..... :cool2:

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ok, i could not wait till tbs integration and just bought.


Did you have your meds today? :p

JK! i think the owner is working on an awesome update! :D
The OPs free tool was awesome. Lost that in a reformat.
But for this price, i think we should get a lot more than just a scraper.
Features i would like:

Automatic creation of articles in spin format taking different sentences from different articles and then some synonyms thrown in.

Ability to scrape articles from manually added websites.

If it is able to do this, i will pay for this in a heartbeat.
subbed & added you on skype, want to ask few things, really interested with your GAP.
Automatic creation of articles in spin format taking different sentences from different articles and then some synonyms thrown in.

Today 2 new addons were released : Spinner and Batch Spinner. Spinner you can spin the article using TBS API which does identify synonyms, rewrite text, replace favorites, random spin, compare texts and show uniqueness between two texts. Batch Spinner has the same functions as the Spinner, but you can spin multiple articles at the same time instead of just one. With the content mixing addon you can create new article(s) by using sentences/paragraphs from multiple articles. In fact here are 2 videos showing the addons in action:


Content Mixer:

Ability to scrape articles from manually added websites.

Manually adding directories is not possible, because the software does not use the webbrowser (Internet Explorer) and that's why it is so fast. I've already added a few directories by request and will continue to do so.
I highly recommend this scrapper or any product that xhpdx has to offer.

I have not yet obtained the new pro version but have been using his free scraper almost since day one that it came out almost a year ago. I love his scraper so much that i even offer a download of it on my sales page and on my blog.

I hope to be trying the new pro version over the weekend and then you will see my review on Sunday.

Great stuff
Can we use this on 2 systems?
One on my pc and second one on Laptop, but always one is in service..

I am in too.

I will update as soon as I will have time to play with this toy :)
As of now it looks like an amazing time saver!!!
Can we use this on 2 systems?
One on my pc and second one on Laptop, but always one is in service..


Yes you can run in 2 pcs at the same time(desktop/laptop, home/office,etc).
Looks really good, and you're updating it a lot. Will get this tomorrow and post review!
I didn't get a download link so how do I get the program?

NVM, I'm an idiot. Got it and am setting it up right now. ;-)
Review of Get Article Pro

I seldom do reviews for people or products, and when i do you can be assured it because it is a bloody good product, which is why i am now doing this review.

As i have mentioned in my earlier post i have been using the OP xhpdx spinning tool since he launched the free version to BHW community on the 7th of January 11. And the sheer awesomeness of his free article scrapper is reflected in the 502 Thanks he received for it.

The free scrapper was so good I even hosted a download of it on my blog and offered it to my clients who needed articles.

When i saw that xhpdx launched a new Pro version I new it must be great, so after getting my hands on a copy yesterday, i have not stop experimenting with it... and thus far love everything about the Pro version. And at $57 it is worth every cent considering that you get a awesome scrapping tool as well as even more awesome Addons such as the ; Batch Article creation, Content Mixer, Batch Spinner and of course normal spinner.

I downloaded the product and installed (10 seconds ) without any worries ( I am using Win. 7 Pro -64bit). The software came in a ZIP archive which could be extracted anywhere, i have also noticed that Get Article Pro is 100% portable and does not make any changes to Windows settings or registry, which is great and i guess you can then just install it on a flash drive ( memory stick, usb drive, etc) and use it on the go.(Have not tried it)
The activation was painless and within a few minutes my product was live and rocking.

One of the cool features not mentioned in other reviews is the auto update function under the help tab. Yesterday when i installed it was on version and when i just now clicked the check for updates option (12 hours after install ) it is informing me version is available - skip or instal update. Guess the Op has been busy improving it whilst i was sleeping. - This is great and also shows the change-log as you can see from below. This means you are getting updates, fixes and enhancements as the product evolve.

The GUI is Laid out clear and no confusion what is where or where to go.

Unlike other tools that scrape only from a handful of directories, this baby does it from over 22 article directories and you have to option to specify directories based on there PR, and with multi-threading the scrapping happens really fast.
It scrapes articles based on keywords you input. It is possible to scrape only articles which contain your keyword in title,content or both. This is really very helpful as it would result in getting very relevant articles.And what is also cool is that it will automatically get rid of duplicate articles, this saved my allot of time, as in the past i scrapped say 500 articles but almost half were duplicates.

I also like the option where i can specify the min. length or even maximum length.This is really handy because to me any article below 300 words is just a waste of time and in my eye it is not an article but just a comment. On the other hand, and i just thought of this, i guess you could scrape comments this way, just specify max words of 50 and scrape away. Gonna try this later and use the comments with my SENUKEX.

Many people normally would like to ensure they have the article tittle at the top of the article, Get pro have several options under settings which to use as per your requirement, have a look at the screen shots further up.

There are also several Thread settings which you can play with based on the resources available to you.These settings include Number of threads to use, Sleep between threads ( i like this one because if not in a hurry, i will scrape over night so i will have like a 45 minute delay between threads.
You of course also have the option to specify a maximum number of articles per site, i have not figured out why you would need that, and i would have thought that a maximum number based per search would be more useful to me, so you could say i want 30 articles and the system will go to each grab 1 articles and repeat the loop until you have 30. But i guess there is a good reason why he choose to base it on max per site.

You of course also have the option to specify both private as well as normal proxies, they need to be in his format: IP:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD
You could of course use Article Pro without proxies, however some sites may block your IP address temporary if there are too many connections established in a small amount of time. Whilst testing i did not add any proxies as i am connecting thru Hide My Ass with a setting to change every min. if used like that then try with different settings like a 60 to 90 second sleep between threads a , if you are in not too much of a hurry, this way you will get a new ip with every thread, use only a handful of threads and big time out. Or to make life easier just get some nice shared proxies and use that.

Probably the best thing about this tool is the add-ons, it is really one of the most important Unique selling points of Get Article Pro.
You have the Batch Article Creator, which is basically used to combine parts of many articles to create a new highly unique articles, it is really cool and i will be using this allot.
The content mixer is almost like Batch Article Creator expect you have more control over the construction of a new article as you have to physically select what you want added.
The Batch Spinner, i don't like :-) because it is going to put me out of business spinning articles for people. No just kidding. The Batch Spinner uses The Best Spinner API to spin the many articles you have scrapped all at ones, it is really nice and a must have, must use.
The spinner add on is same as the Batch spinner, except you work with one article at a time.Again it uses the API from TBS, so you need to own TBS or i guess borrow from someone :-).
Last Add on is the Post to Blog one, this is really cool as it allow you to post straight from with in Get Article Pro, to your blog. Simply fill in the log in details, click get categories then select category.Next you select the article, do a preview and before posting you specify the date of the post, which mean it could be pre or post dated. This is really a nice tool. The only thing i think which would be useful would be the ability to batch post to a category and scatter the post over a period based on start and end date.

There are so many other cool things i like about this software and i am confident that this will grow over time as i notice there is a option to suggest addons for Get Article Pro. My first suggestion would be to have the option to save the spun article in .amr format or some cross working ability with Article Marketing Robot or Magic Article submitter because that will then really make this a one stop shop solution.

So in summary;
If you are looking for a awesome kick ass article scrapper which include several spinners and a blog poster, multi threaded with proxies support and very dedicated support then Get Article Pro is what you want.

Simply put there is no other product currently on the market that can do all that Get Article Pro can give you, and at $57 it is a steal.

Go get it, you wont regret it...
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I noticed that the batch post to blog feature i suggested in my review, got added in the last update --Great stuff
Is there any coupon for $47 coz the price has been listed as $57
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